半夏生 Hange-Syouzu
平凡。。。 Run-of-the-mill 。。。
**鰯の生姜煮 Simmered sardine with ginger
**豚肉とネギの串焼き Grilled pork and leek on a stick
1.豚肉スライスは折りたたみ 青ネギの白い部分と交互に串に刺し
**ブロッコリーの豆腐グラタン Broccoli au gratin
1.マヨネーズ大2にスープの素小1/2を混ぜ 卵1個と豆腐150g
2.ゆでたブロッコリーを耐熱容器に入れ 1.を入れて チーズをのせ 焼きます。
**納豆と長いもの和え物 Natto and Chinese yam salad
1.なっとうと長芋を 付属のたれと辛子で和えます。小口切りの青ネギを混ぜます。
**大根と薄揚げの煮物 Simmered white radish and thin fried tofu
1.大根と薄揚げを だし汁、みりん、めんつゆで煮ます。
**わかめとシジミの味噌汁 Wakame and cram miso soup
**漬け物 Pickles
**ご飯 Rice
** Simmered sardine with ginger
meal prep.
Simmered sardine with ginger
** Grilled pork and leek on a stick
1.. Skewer slice pork and white parts of green leeks. Sprinkle salt
** Broccoli au gratin
1. Mix 2tbsp mayonnaise and 1/2tsp soup powder and then add 1 egg and 150g tofu.
Mix well.
2. Put boiled broccoli in individual heat-proof container and put 1. and then cheese on top
Bake until browned.
** Natto and Chinese yam salad
1. Mix natto and Chinese yam with attached sauce and mustard.
Then add chopped green leeks.
** Simmered white radish and thin fried tofu
1 Simmer white radish and thin fried tofu in soup, sweet rice wine and seasoing soy sauce.
** Wakame and freshwater cram miso soup
** Pickles
** Rice