お魚屋さんで やっと 小アジ(豆アジ)を見つけました♪
このさばき方 やってみたかった♪
☆☆☆**豆アジの唐揚げ Fried small horse mackerels
1.さばいた豆アジ(250〜300gぐらい)を 洗って水気を拭き取り 醤油大2,
2.1.の汁気を取り ビニール袋に入れ 片栗粉を入れて 振り混ぜます。
弱火の油で じっくり揚げます。
**ザワークラウトと豆腐のサラダ Sauerkraut and tofu salad
ガラスープの素小1を混ぜ 器に盛り 千切りの大葉とかにかまをのせます。
**ツルムラサキのおひたし Malabar spinach salad
1.ゆでたツルムラサキをめんつゆで和え 器に盛り 鰹節を天盛りします。
I found small horse mackerels at a fish shop.
I've wanted to do this.
It is youtube in Japanesse but I think you know it by sight
How to clean small horse mackerels
☆☆☆** Fried small horse mackerels
1. Wipe off the moisture of cleaned small horse mackerels.
then mix with 2tbsp soy sauce, 2tbsp rice wine, grated ginger and grated garlic.
Let it sit for a while.
2. Wipe off the moisture and put in a plastic bag with starch and then shake up.
Deep fry over low heat.
** Sauerkraut and tofu salad (for 2 to 3 people)
1. Mix squeezed sauerkraut (50g), 150g hard tofu, 2tbsp or less yogurt and soup powder
and put in/on individual dishes and put thin stripped green perilla and imitation crab sticks
on top.
** Malabar spinach salad
1. Mix boiled Malabar spinach with seasoning soy sauce and put in individual dishes.
Put dried bonito shavings on top.