ヘルシーな甘酢肉団 Sweet and sour meatballs
**ヘルシー甘酢肉団子 Sweet and sour meatballs
小さく丸めて 油を引いたフライパンで 焼きます。
2.にんじん、たまねぎ、ピーマンは食べやすい大きさに切り ゆでます。
3.フライパンに1.と2.を入れ ケチャップ大1,酢大1,砂糖大1,
スープの素小1,水大3を入れ 味を調え 水溶き片栗粉でとろみをつけます。
**キャベツときゅうりのゆかり和え Cabbage and cucumber with red perilla
2.キャベツときゅうりを ゆかり、スープの素少々、甘酢、ごま油、塩、こしょうで和え
大葉を加えて 全体を和えます。
**ハムとキュウリの和え物 Ham and cucumber salad
1.春雨は熱湯で柔らかく戻し ハムときゅうりは千切りに トマトは食べやすい大きさにきり
2.醤油大1,酢大1,ごま油小1,砂糖小2を混ぜ 1.にかけます。
** Sweet and sour meatballs. (for 2 to 3 people)
1. Mix 100g minced pork, salt, pepper, finely chopped 1 bag of enoki mushrooms and
1/2 beaten egg well and roll into meat balls.
Oil a frying pan bake the meatballs.
2. Cut carrots, onions and green peppers into bite size pieces and boil in hot water. Drain.
3. Put 1. and 2. in a frying pan and fry them
Then season with 1tbsp ketchup, 1tsp vinegar, 1tbsp sugar, 1tsp soup powder and
3tbsp water. Thicken the broth with satrch with water.
** Cabbage and cucumber with red perilla
1. Cut cabbage, cucumber and green perilla into thin strips.
2. Mix cabbages, cucumbers, red perilla, soup powder, sweet vinegar, sesameoil,
salt and pepper. Then add green perilla and toss them together.
** Ham and cucumber salad
1. Restore harusame in hot water and then drain.
Cut ham and cucumber into thin strips.
Cut tomato into bite size pieces.
2. Put 1. in individual dishes.
Mix 1tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp vinegar, 1tsp sesame oil and 2tsp sugar and pour over 1