何度も乾杯! Let's get drunk!
何年かぶりに 東京の Kさんが参加しました。
なんだか 今回 格調高い ♪
Mr.K joined the gathering for the first time in a while
Somehow, a noble gathering ♪
TVを見て♪ Watched TV♪
**ポーチドエッグと高野豆腐とクルトンのサラダ Poached egg and fried freeze-dried tofu salad
3.高野豆腐3枚は 熱湯でもどし しぼり 一口大にちぎります。さらに
油で きつね色になるまで 揚げます。
トマト、3.の高野豆腐のクルトンを 2.のドレッシングで和えます。
**グリーンカレー Green curry
**ハムとタマネギのにんじんドレッシング Ham and onion with carrot dressing
** Poached egg and fried freeze-dried tofu salad (for 4 people)
1. Make 4 porched eggs in hotwater with 1tsp salt and 2tbsp vinegar.
2. Mix 2tbsp white wine vinegar, 1tbsp coarsely ground mustard, 1/2tbsp grated onion,
1/3tsp salt and 2tbsp olive oil to make dressing.
3. Soak 3 freeze-dried tofu in hot water. Then drain (push with both hands)
and tear them into bite size pieces with your hands. Then wipe off extra moisture
with paper towel
Then deep fry until lightly browned.
4. Mix 200g red leaf lettuce or another lettuce, 1cm width sliced cucumber, bite sized tomatoes
and fried freeze-dried tofu with the dressing.
5. Put poached egg on top.
** Green curry
1. Add fried egg plants in a canned green curry.
** Ham and onion with carrot dressing
1. Mix grated carrot, garlic with salt, pepper and sweet vinegar
and pour over ham and sliced onion.