落選 I lost the lottery
年末の 1万人の第九 に応募していましたが、
早寝早起きなので 夜のレッスンは少々厳しいです。
今年は 日中のレッスンクラスのみを選択したら
I applied to the "the chorus of the ninth symphony".
I lost the rottery.
I usualy go to bed early and get up early.
So it is hard for me to take evening lessons
I chose daytime classes this time.
I lost the rottery.
ご飯にあうおかずたち♪ These go with rice♪
** カレイの煮付け Simmered founder
カレイの切り身 5きれとネギを入れ 沸騰したら あくを取り
落としぶたをして 10分ほど煮ます。
**おくらと長イモのゆずこしょう和え Okra and Chinese yam dressed with Yuzu-kosho
**大根おろし入り納豆 Natto with grated white radish
1.納豆、付属のたれ、からし、大根おろしを和え 大葉の千切りを乗せます。
**茄子の辛子漬け Egg plant pickled in mustard
**キュウリの浅漬け Pickled cucumber
**お麩入り味噌汁 Miso soup with Fu (breadlike pieces of wheat gluten)..
**ごはん Rice
** Simmered founder
1. Boil 1 cup water, 70cc rice wine, 3tbsp sugar, 3tbsp sweet rice wine and 3tbsp soy sauce
in a pan.
Then put 5 fillets of founder and bring it to boil
Skim the scum from the broth and then put a small lid directly on the food.
Simmer for 10 mins.
** Okra and Chinese yam dressed with Yuzu-kosho (condiment paste made from yuzu zest and chili peppers)
1. Mix bite size Chinese yam and boiled okra with yuzu-kosho, a little soy sauce and
olive oil.
** Natto with grated white radish
1. Mix natto, attached sauce, mustard paste and grated white radish.
Put thin strips green perilla on top.
** Egg plant pickled in mustard
** Pickled cucumber
** Miso soup with Fu (breadlike pieces of wheat gluten)
** rice