ホッケの干物の煮物 Simmered dried Atka mackerel
**ホッケの干物の煮物 Simmered dried Atka mackerel
ホッケの干物を入れ 落としぶたをして 煮ます
**薄揚げの水菜巻き Rolled potherb mustard with thin deep-fried tofu
1.薄揚げを開いて 2枚にし 水菜を巻いて 爪楊枝で閉じます。
2.1.をフライパンで焼き 醤油大1,砂糖大1,みりん大1/2,水大1で
半分に切って 盛ります。
**キャベツときゅうりのサラダ Cabbage and cucumber salad
1.キャベツとキュウリを ざく切りして 鶏ガラスープの素大1,ポン酢大1,
袋に入れ 揉み込み 一晩寝かせます。
**たぬき汁 Miso soup with konjak
1.こんにゃく、ごぼう、大根、にんじん、しいたけをだし汁で煮て 味噌を溶きます。
**トマトとタマネギのサラダ Tomato and onion salad
1.トマトと薄切りのタマネギに甘酢と醤油少々をかけ 千切りの大葉をのせます。
** Simmered dried Atka mackerel
1. Put 2tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp rice wine, 1tbsp sweet rice wine, 1tbsp sugar and 200cc water
in a frying pan and bring it to boil then add dried Atkka mackerels.
Put a small lid directly on the food and simmer.
** Rolled potherb mustard with thin deep-fried tofu
1. Cut the edge of thin deep-fried tofu and open it into two sheets.
Place potherb mustard and roll. Attach the end with toothpicks.
2. Bake 1. in a frying pan and season with 1tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp sugar, 1/2tbsp
sweet rice wine and 1tbsp water.
Cut into half and put on individual dishes.
** Cabbage and cucumber salad
1. Chop cabbage and cucumber and then put them in a plastic bag with 1tbsp soup powder,
1tbsp ponzu, 2tbsp sesame oil, 1tbsp sweet rice wine, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Mix and rub well.
Let it sit overnight in a fridge.
** Miso soup with konjak
1. Boil konjak, burdock, white radish, carrot, shiitake mushrooms in a soup.
Season with miso.
Sprinkle chopped green leeks.
** Tomato and onion salad
1. Pour sweetened vinegar and a little soy sauce on tomatoes and thin sliced onions.
Put thin stripped green perilla on top.