八百屋さんができる♪ I might be a vegetable man.
岡山の Tさんが 立派な野菜をいっぱい送ってきてくれました♪
Mr.T in Okayama gave me lots of vegetables ♪
I really appreciate it.
簡単! Simple dishes!
**サバ缶と豆腐の煮物 Boiled canned mackerel and tofu
器に盛り 青ネギを散らします。
**夏野菜のだし浸し Marinated summer vegetables in soup
1.めんつゆとだし汁(または水)を天つゆの濃さにし 沸騰させます。
2.1.に レンジで加熱した かぼちゃ、なすび、ピーマンを 30分以上漬けます。
**蛇腹キュウリとたまねぎの甘酢和え Vinegared cucumber and onion
**ほうれん草のおひたし Spinach salad
1.ゆでたほうれん草をめんつゆで和え 鰹節をのせます。
**キャベツのポン酢和え Cabbage with ponzu
1.キャベツは 千切りにし 塩を振り しんなりしたら しぼり ポン酢とすりごまで
** Boiled canned mackerel and tofu (for 2 people)
1. Boil 1 canned tuna with seasoned and 150g tofu.
Put in individual dishes and sprinkle chopped green leeks.
** Marinated summer vegetables in soup
1. Mix seasoning soy sauce and soup(or water) to make Tempura soup and bring it to boil.
2. Microwave Japanese pumpkins, egg plants and green peppers until cooked
and then soak in 1. for 30 mins. or more.
3. Put 2. in individual dishes and put thin strips ginger on top.
** Vinegared cucumber and onion
1. Pour sweet vinegar on cucumber, onion and wakame and then put grated ginger on top.
** Spinach salad
1. Mix boiled spinach with seasoning soy sauce and then put dried bonito shavings on top.
** Cabbage with ponzu
1. Cut cabbage into thin strips. Salt cabbages and when it is tender, wring it dry.
Then mix with ponzu and grated sesame.