「ありがとうの奇跡」 Miracles of the word "Arigatou"
「ありがとうの奇跡」 小林正観著
”Miracles of the word "arigatou"" written by Seikan Kobayashi
I think you will like it.
美味しくできた♪ The fish was tastely cooked♪
**イワシの生姜煮 Simmered sardine with ginger
イワシの生姜煮が 美味しくできた♪
1.イワシ15匹ほどは頭と内臓をとり 塩水できれいに洗います。
2.鍋に水1カップ、さとう大1.5、みりん大2、しょうゆ大3を煮たて イワシを並べ
しょうがを散らして 落し蓋を芝 煮汁が少なくなるまで 煮ます。
**チンゲン菜と人参のナムル Bok choy and carrot namul
1.チンゲン菜1株は 食べやすい大きさに切り 人参少々は薄切りにします。
レンジに4分ほどかけてから 絞ります。
**おからサラダ再挑戦 Retried tofu refuse salad
今回は忘れずに 「シーチキン」を 加えました♪
**アボカドとトマトのサラダ Avocado and tomato salad
1.アボカドとトマトを 白だしと甘酢とオリーブ油で和えます。
**豆ごはん Rice cooked with green peas
**夕張メロンのジェリー Melon jelly
** Simmered sardine with ginger
The fish was tastely cooked ♪
1. Remove heads and internal organs from 16 sardines. Wash with salted water.
Cut ginger (with skin) into thin strips.
2. Put 1 cup water, 1.5tbsp sugar, 2tbsp sweete rice wine and 3 tbsp soy sauce in a pot
and bring it to boil. Then place sardines and sprinkle gingers.
Put a small lid directly on the food. Simmer until the broth reduced by 1/3.
** Bok choy and carrot namul (for 2 people)
1. Cut a head of boy choy into bite size pieces and carrot into thin slices.
Microwave them for 4 mins. Squeeze.
2. Mix 1. with stripped salt kelp, sweetened vinegar, sesame oil and Chinese soup powder/paste.
** Tofu refuse salad (for 3 to 4 people)
Tofu refuse salad
I added a canned tuna this time. "Remember to add it !"
** Avocado and tomato salad
1. Mix avocado and tomato with shirodashi (white soy sauce with soup stock), sweetened
vinegar and olive oil.
** Rice cooked with green peas
** Melon jelly