麦秋至 Bakusyuu-Itaru
麦秋至 (ばくしゅういたる)
6月1日 から 6月5日 ごろ。
Around June 1 to June 5.
Early summer
Wheat ripens and is harvested.
エビチリ Shrimp in chili sauce
**エビチリ Shrimp in chili sauce
油を引いたフライパンで炒め 香りが立ったら えびを加えて炒めます。
4.3.に 2.と豆板醤小2を加え とろみが出るまで 混ぜながら 煮ます。
**イカと白菜の炒め物 Stir fried squid and Chinese cabbage
イカはそぎ切りにし 酒を振りかけます。
3.イカとピーマンを加えて軽く煮てから 水溶き片栗粉でとろみを付けます。
**春雨サラダ Bean-starch vermicelli salad
2.ポン酢と甘酢を混ぜて たれを作り 1.にかけます。
**抹茶ゼリー Maccha(green tea powder) jelly
1.寒天を煮溶かし 抹茶、さとう、スキムミルクを入れ 溶けたら
粗熱を取り 水で濡らした 容器にいれ 固めます。
** Shrimp in chili sauce (for 2 people)
1. Season 10 shrimps with 1tbsp rice wine and grated ginger. Then cover with starch.
2. Mix 3tbsp ketchup, 1tbsp rice wine, 2tsp sesame oil, 2tsp sugar, 1tsp soy sauce
and 50cc soup.
3. Oil a frying pan and stir fry 1/2cups chopped onion, 1clove of chopped garlic and
1 clove of chopped ginger until there's an aroma.
Then add shrimps and stir fry them.
4. Add 2. and 2tsp broad bean chili paste. Continue to stir until it starts to thicken.
** Stir fried squid and Chinese cabbage
1. Cut Chinese cabbage, carrot, onion and green pepper into bite size pieces.
Cut squid and season with rice wine.
2. Sesame oil in a frying pan and fry Chinese cabbages, carrots and onions.
Add 1cup soup, 1.5tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp sweet rice wine and grated ginger.
3. Add squid and green peppers. Cook briefly.
Then thicken the broth with starch(starch and water).
** Bean-starch vermicelli salad
1. Restore bean-starch vermicelli in hot water,
Cut cucumber into thin strips and chop Japanese ginger.
Put them in individual dishes.
2. Mix seasoning soy sauce and sweetened vinegar. Then pour over 1.
** Maccha (green tea powder) jelly
1. Melt agar powder by boiling in water then add maccha powder, sugar and
skimmed milk continueing to stir until they are melted.
Then let it cool down until lightly thickened . Pour in some molds.
Let it cool down.