We had an emergency drill of our district at an elementary school.
担架の作り方 毛布と棒2本 How to make a stretcher. With a blanket and 2 poles
体の抱え方 How to hold a body
AEDの使い方と心臓マッサージの仕方 AED and how to do a heart massage
煙の中の体験 In the smoke
姿勢を低くして ハンカチで口を覆って 壁に沿って 避難
Crouch down and cover your mouth with a handkerchief, and walk along the wall.
消火器の使い方 How to use a fire extinguisher.
Pull out the yellow safety pin.
Take off the hose and hold the end
Squeeze the handle and let the water come out.
非常食とお水 Emergency food and water
何度も参加してますが 1年経つと忘れてしまうので、勉強になります。
I've been joined the drill. I forget quickly. It is very helpful.