ゆずとレモン そして 干し柿♪ Yuzu and lemon, and dried persimmons♪
妹が育てた ゆず と レモン ♪
Yuzu (a kind of citrus fruit) and a lemon my sister grew ♪
そして 干し柿 ♪ すご〜く、美味しいです ♪
and dried persimmons ♪ They are so GOOD ♪
マグロのカツ Breaded tuna
マグロのカツ Breaded tuna
水分をふき取り、小麦粉、卵、パン粉をまぶし、油で サッときつね色に揚げます。
もやしとパクチーのナンプラー炒め Stir fried bean sprouts and coriander with Thai fish sauce
「らるむ。」さんを参照しました♪ 簡単で美味しかった♪ また作ろうっと♪
水分が飛ぶまで、炒めたほうが美味しいそうですなので しっかり炒めます。
きゅうり、だいこん、みょうがのサラダ Cucumber, white radish and Japanese ginger salad
冷凍していた栗で 作りました♪ 美味しかった♪
** Breaded tuna (for 2 people)
1. Season 200g tuna for sashimi with pepper and salt. Wipe off the moisture with paper towel.
Coat it with flour, beaten egg and bread crumbs in that order, and deep-fry it in hot cooking oil.
2. Cut into appropriately sized pieces.
Put on serving dishes with boiled broccoli and Japanese pumpkin.
** Stir fried bean sprouts and coriander with Thai fish sauce (for 2 people)
1. Oil a fry pan and stir fry 1tsp chopped garlice until there's an aroma.
Add 200g bean sprouts and stir fry over a strong fire.
Cut 2pips coriander into 1cm length
2. Season with salt, pepper, 1tsp or more rice wine and 1tsp Thai fish sauce
and sweat.
3. At the end, turn off the heat and add coriander and mix.
** Cucumber, white radish and Japanese ginger salad
1. Cut cucumber, white radish and Japanese ginger into thin strips.
Pour your favorite dressing.
** Rice cooked with chestnuts
It is not the time for cooking "rice cooked with chestnuts" but I wanted to eat it.
and used frozen chestnuts in my freezer. yum ♪
** Pickles
grourd pickled in sake lees and white radish pickled in salted rice yeast