ローストビーフ風と春菊 Roast beef -ish and edible chrysanthemum
ローストビーフ風と春菊 Roast beef -ish and edible chrysanthemum
1.ステーキ用のお肉230gぐらいを ステーキと同じ要領で 焼いて、薄く切り、
水菜と生ハムロール Potherb mustard rolled in uncured ham
パソコンを検索して 作りました♪
1.水菜を生ハムで巻いて、上から パルメザンチーズを振りかけます。
野菜の豆乳煮 Boiled vegetables with soy milk
1.レタス、水菜、ほうれん草、ワカメを 豆乳とスープの素で煮てから 塩コショウで味を
だいこん葉の佃煮 (作り置き) Fried white radish leaves (meal prep)
** Roast beef -ish and edible chrysanthemum (for 2 people)
1. Grill a 230g beef in the same way as on beef steak and then cut into thin slices.
Put them on edible chrysanthemum.
2. Mix 1tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp lemon juice, 1/2tbsp soy sauce and Chinese soup paste (or powder).
Pour over 1.
** Potherb mustard rolled in uncured ham
1. Porherb mustard rolled in uncured ham and sprinkle parmesan cheese on them.
And then pour olive oil and lemon juice.
** Boiled vegetables with soy milk
Used leftover vegetables ♪
1. Boil lettuce, potherb mustard, spinach and wakame with soy milk and soup powder.
Add salt and pepper for seasoning.
** Fried white radish leaves (meal prep)