チキンとごぼうの甘辛揚げ煮 Salted and sweetened chicken and burdock
チキンとごぼうの甘辛揚げ煮 Salted and sweetened chicken and burdock
1.鶏胸肉(皮と脂は取り除く)200gは 一口大に切ります。
みりん小1を煮立て、2.を入れて 絡めます。
ヤーコンのソテー Fried yacon
黄色パプリカ 1/2個はスライスします。
2.油を引いたフライパンで ヤーコンを炒め、塩コショウを振り さらに炒めます。
3.パプリカを加え軽くいためて 器に盛ります。
小松菜と竹輪のあえ物 Mixed Japanese mustard spinach and a tube‐shaped fish paste cake
竹輪1本は 半分に切ってから 斜め切りします。
2.小松菜と竹輪を だし醤油少々で和えます。
** Salted and sweetened chicken and burdock (for 2 people)
1. Cut 200g chicken breast (removed skin and fat) into bite size pices.
Cut 1 burdock into 1cm width x 3cm length.
2. Cover chicken and burdock with starch and deep-fry in 170℃.
3. Put 50cc soup, 1tbsp rice wine, 1tbsp sugar, 2tsp soy sauce and 1tsp sweet rice wine
in a fry pan (or pot) and bring it to boil
Add 2. and toss well to mix.
** Fried yacon (for 2 people)
1. Peel 1 yacon and cut into rectangle slices. Soak in water with vinegar. Then drain.
Cut 1/2 yellow bell pepper into slices.
2. Oil a fry pan and fry yacon. Sprinkle salt and pepper then stir fry again.
3. Add yellow bell pepper and stir fry.
** Mixed Japanese mustard spinach and a tube-shaped fish paste cake
1. Boil Japanese mustard spinach (proper quantity) in hot water.
Cut 1 fish paste cake into lengthwise half and then slice diagonally.
2. Mix 1. with seasoning soy sauce.