モーニングに参加♪ Went out to eat breakfast♪
朝ご飯を食べた後に、母と妹から モーニングのお誘いの電話が あり。。。。
参加 ♪
♪ エッグベネディクト ♪
お腹いっぱい (笑)。
My sister called me after I ate breakfast asking to eat breakfast..
I wonder if I should~~~~~.
Decided to join my sister and mother ♪
♪ Eggs Benedict ♪
I am full (LOL)
甘辛豆腐 Tofu with sweet soy-sauce flavoring
甘辛豆腐 Tofu with sweet soy-sauce flavoring
1.豆腐500gは 水切りし、1.5cm幅ぐらいに切ってから、
フライパン入れ、沸騰したら 1.の豆腐を入れ、絡めます。
3.器に盛り 小口切りのねぎを散らします。
水切り後 豆腐を崩してしまいました。
チンゲン菜と卵の中華炒め Fried bok-choy and egg
1.チンゲン菜1束は 3cm長さに切ります。
こしょう少々 を 合わせておきます。
3.卵1個を割りほぐし、砂糖ひとつまみを入れて 油を引いたフライパンでふんわりと
4.フライパンに油を引き、しょうが、チンゲン菜の茎、葉 の順に炒め、
しんなりしたら、カニカマと卵を加え サッと混ぜ、
焼きシイタケの大根おろしかけ Grilled shiitake with grated white radish
1.しいたけ4個は焼いてから、薄切りし 器に盛ります。
オイルサーデンとアボカド和え Mix oiled sardine and avocado
** Tofu with sweet soy-sauce flavoring (for 2 to 3 people)
1. Drain 500g tofu. Cut into 1.5cm width. Then cover with flour. Then heat some oil in a pan
and fry.
Drain oil.
2. Put 2tbsp soy sauce, 2tbsp sugar, 1tbsp vinegar and 1tsp broad bean chili paste
in a fry pan and bring it to boil. Add 1.and mix them thoroughly.
3. Put in(on) serving dishes and sprinkle chopped green leeks.
Some of tofu crumbled. But this dish is delicious even if tofu has crumbled or not ♪
** Fried bok-choy and egg (for 2 people)
1. Cut 1 bok-choy into 3cm length.
Loose 5 imitation crab sticks.
Chop ginger finely (1tbsp).
2. Mix Chinese soup (water+ Chinese soup powder or paste))30cc, 1/2tsp sugar,
1/2tsp soy sauce, 2tsp rice wine and pepper.
3. Oil a fry pan and pour 1 beaten egg with a pinch of sugar and make scrambled egg.
Remove from the pan.
4. Oil the fry pan and stir fy ginger, white part of bok-choy, leaves in order, until tender.
Then add imitation crab sticks and egg and stir fry.
Pour 2. seasonings and bring it to boil.
Thicken with starch.
** Grilled shiitake with grated white radish (for 2 people)
1. Grill 4 shiitake mushrooms and then cut into slices. Put in serving dishes.
2. Put grated white radish on them and thin striped yuzu skin on them.
Pour 1tbsp yuzu juice and 1tbsp seasoning soy sauce.
** Mix oiled sardine and avocado (for 2 people)
1. Smash and mix 4 oiled sardine and 1/2 avocado lightly.
Add a pinch of salt, 2tsp rice bran oil, 2tsp lemon juice and mix.