焼きうどん Fried udon
焼きうどん Fried udon
半分に切って、斜めにスライス、青ネギ3本は 3cm長さに切り、白いところと
火が通ったら、うどんを入れ ほぐしながら炒めます。
3.全部に火が通ったら、だし醤油大1.5~2, ウスターソース大1.ぐらい(味見する)
最後に ねぎの青いところを入れ、混ぜあわせます。
まぐろ切り落としのマリネ Marinated tuna
りんご酢大1、米油大1.5、塩少々を混ぜ ドレシングを作ります。
大根と生ハムのサラダ White radish and uncured ham salad
1.大根3cmぐらいは薄くスライスし 塩を振って しんなりしたら 水で洗い 絞ります。
2.器に、大根、生ハムを 盛り、 塩少々とオリーブ油少々をかけます。
春菊と人参のごま和え Eible chrysanthemum and carrot dressed with sesame
1.春菊はサッと茹で 3〜4cm幅に切り、人参は千切りします。
** Fried udon (for 2 people)
1. Sprinkle 1tbsp sweet rice wine to 2 serving of boiled udon noodles and separate(loose).
Chop cabbage (proper quantity).
Cut 1/4 onion into 1cm width slices.
Cut 2 tube‐shaped fish paste cakes into thick strips.
Cut 3 green leeks into 3cm length and separate whites and greens.
2. Oil a fry pan and fry cabbage, onion, fish cakes, and white part of green leeks.
When they are cooked add udon and fry and mix.
3. Add 1.5~2 tbsp seasoning soy sauce and 1tbsp Worcester sauce. (taste!)
and fry.
Last of all, add greens of green leeks. and mix.
4. Put on serving dishes and sprinkle dried bonito shaving and green laver.
** Marinated tuna (for 2 people)
1. Mix 170g sliced tuna for sashimi, 2tbsp seasoning soy sauce and 1tbsp sweet
rice wine. Soak for 30 min.
Mix 1tbsp apple vinegar, 1.5 tbsp rice bran oil and a pinch of salt to make dressing.
2. Put tuna, rocket, boild cauliflower and pour dressing over them.
** White radish and uncured ham salad (for 2 people)
1. Cut 3cm length white radish into thin slices and sprinkle salt. when they are soft
wash with water and squeeze.
2. Put radish and uncured ham on serving dishes. Sprinkle salt and pour olive oil.
** Edible chrysanthemum and carrot dressed with sesame
1. Boil edible chrysanthemum in hot water briefly and then cut into 3~4cm length.
Cut carrot into thin strips.
2. Mix vegetables, seasoing soy sauce and grated sesame.