たこのピリ辛前菜 Spicy octopus
たこのピリ辛前菜 Spicy octopus
すりごま大1を合わせ タコと混ぜます。
柚子1個のしぼり汁とゆずの皮の千切りを加えて ざっくり混ぜあわせて
いわしの梅生姜煮 Simmered sardines with pickled Japanese plum and ginger
1.いわし20匹は頭と内臓を取り、塩水で きれいに洗ってから
落し蓋をして 火にかけます。 沸騰したら 弱火にして10分煮ます。
3.しょうが2片を千切りし、梅干し4個は種を取って みじん切りにし
2.に入れ 落し蓋をして 火にかけ 沸騰したら 弱火にして 20分ほど煮ます。
今回は このいわしを 2匹づつ食べていきたいと思っています ♪
豆腐のにらだれ Tofu with Chinese chive sauce
にらだれの作り方 11月19日に投函してます。 今回はうまくアクセスできるはず。。。
ブロッコリーのポン酢マヨ和え Broccoli dressed with mayonnaise and punzu
小松菜のあえ物 Japanese mustard spinach salad
** Spicy octopus (for 2 people)
1. Cut 130g octopus into proper sizes for ease of eating.
2. Mix 1/2tsp broad bean chili paste, 1tsp sesame oil, garlic powder, pepper and
1tbsp grated sesame. Add octopus and mix.
Then add juice of 1 yuzu and thin striped skin of yuzu and mix.
Put in serving dishes and garnish with Italian parsley.
** Simmered sardines with pickled Japanese plum and ginger
1. Clean 20 sardines and wash with water with salt.
Arrange them in one layer on a fry pan and add 400cc water and 6tbsp vineter.
Put a small lid directly on food and bring it to boil then simmer for 10 min.
2. 10 min later, pressing a small lid and throw stocks of 1.
3. Cut 20g ginger into thin strips.
Remove seeds from 4 pickled Japanese plums and chop plums.
Mix ginger, plums, 300cc water, 300cc rice wine, 2tbsp sugar, 4tbsp sweet
rice wine and 4tbsp soy sauce to 2. Put a small lid directly on the food and
bring it to boil. Then simmer for 20 min.
I will have 2 these simmered sardines everyday for a while.
** Tofu with Chinese chive sauce
posted on 19th Nov. Should be able to access to it.
** Broccoli dressed with mayonnaise and ponzu
1. Mix boiled brocolli with mayonnaise and ponzu
** Japanese mustard spinach salad
1. Mix boiled Japanese mustard spinach, seasoning soy sauce, sesame oil and
dried bonito shavings.
**Octopus Dumplings.
Bought at a store.