カレイの煮付け Boiled righteye flounder
カレイの煮付け Boiled righteye flounder
カレイの切り身2枚を入れ、沸騰したら、落し蓋をして 約10分煮ます。
まるごと玉ねぎ Whole onion
1.玉ねぎ2個の一番外側の茶色い皮をむきます。 上下を切り取り、上部に十字に
2.アルミフォイルで包んで オーブントースターで 柔らかくなるまで焼きます。
茎ブロッコリー(スティックセニョール)のあえ物 Broccoli salad
れんこんの梅肉和え Lotus roots dressed with pickled plum
2.梅干しの種を取り みじん切りにして、だし醤油少々と混ぜます。
** Boiled righteye flounder (for 2 people)
1. Put 1cup water, 1/3 rice wine, 3tbsp sugar, 3tbsp sweet rice wine and 4tbsp or less
soy sauce in a pot and bring it to boil.
Add 2 fillets of righteye flounder and bring it to boil.
Put a small lid directly on the food and simmer for 10 min.
2. Garnish with boiled broccoli.
** Whole onion (for 2 people)
1. Peel the outermost skins of onions and then cut tops and bottoms.
Mark a deep cross on top.
2. Bake onions in aluminum foil until soft.
3. Put on serving dishes and pour ponzu.
** Broccoli salad
1. Boil broccolis which have long stalks. (There is no English name) in hot water.
Cut into 3cm length and mix with seasoning soy sauce and dried bonito shavings.
Here is a picture of long starlk's broccolis
** Lotus roots dressed with pickled plum
1. Peel lotus root and cut into 3mm width. Boil in water with vinegar.
2. Remove seed from pickled plum and chop finely. Mix with a little seasoning soy sauce.
Add lotus root and mix.