鶏始乳 A hen begins to lay an egg
鶏始乳 (とりはじめて にゅうす / にわとりはじめて とやにつく)
1月30日 から 2月3日 ごろ。
A hen begins to lay an egg.
Late winter
Around 30th of January to 3rd of February.
牡蠣のチャウダー Oyster Chowder
**牡蠣のチャウダー Oyster Chowder
1.牡蠣120gは塩でもみあらいしてから、 洗い、水分をふき取ります。
軽く塩、こしょうしてから 片栗粉をまぶします。
4.牡蠣と茹でたホウレンソウを加えて 一煮立ちさせます。
**生青のりのポン酢和え Raw green laver with ponzu
お魚屋さんに 生の青のりが売られていて、 磯の香りが漂っていました♪
1.青のりを水で軽く洗い、水切りして 器に盛り、ポン酢をかけ わさびをのせます。
**アボカドとレタスのサラダ Avocado and lettuce salad
** Oystger chowder (for 2 people)
1. Sprinkle salt to 120g oyster and rub to wash. Then wash with water and wipe water off.
Sprinkle salt and pepper and then cover with starch.
Chop 1 small onion into 1.5~2cm cubes.
Chop 1 or 2 potatoes into 1.5~2cm cubes too.
2. Put 1tsp rice bran oil in a fry pan and garlic poweder and cook oysters.
3. Heat 1tbsp rice bran oil in a pot and stir fry onions and potatoes.
Add 1 canned clam chowder (305g) and 200cc water. Cook.
4. Add oyster and boiled spinach and bring it to boil.
** Raw green laver with ponzu
Raw green laver put on sale in a fish shop. I could smell the sea ♪
1. Wash green laver with water and drain. Put in serving dishes and pour ponzu.
Put wasabi paste on top.
** Avocado and lettuce salad (for 2 people)
1. Cut 1 avocado into 1cm cubes. Tear lettuce.
Mix with 1tbsp lemon juice, 1tbsp rice bran oil, salt and pepper.