うれしいお届け物♪ Got presents ♪
愛媛のSさんから さつまいもと 彼が育てたヤーコンが送られてきました♪
I am very glad to get some sweet potatoes and yacon which my friend who lives in Ehime prf., grew.
Everithing is appetizing
Looking forward to eating them ♪
チーズフォンデュ Cheese fondue
チーズフォンデュ(簡単で万人向けの味付けです) Cheese fondue (easy and suitable for all)
3.ホットプレートに 1.と2.を温めながら、食卓に。
**白菜のサラダ Chinese cabbage salad
1.白菜1/8 を細切りし、米油大1、甘酢大1、塩コショウで味付けします。
** Cheese fondue (easy and sutable for all) for 2 people
1. Put 200g cheese mix for pizza, 1tsp starch, a little soup powder (paste),
100cc milk in a pot to melt.
Put in a heat‐resistant container.
2. Boil your favorite ingredients.
Here, broccoli, lotus root, burdock, carrot, wienerwurst and green beans are boiled.
Cut rice cake in half.
3. Put 1. and 2 on an electric griddle to make them warm.
** Chinese cabbage salad (for 2 people)
1. Cut 1/8 Chinese cabbage into strips.
Add 1tbsp rice bran oil, 1tbsp sweetened vinegar, salt and pepper and mix.
Put in(on) serving dishes and put sliced green pepper on top.