篠田桃紅さん「103歳になってわかったこと」 A book written by 103 years old lady
「103歳になってわかったこと」 篠田桃紅著
愛媛のSさんが 「いい本や!」と ♪
私も 読むことにします。 すごく 楽しみ ♪
My friend, S-san lives in Ehime prf., recommended this book,
written by Ms. Toukou Shinoda who is 103 years old.
I enjoy reading this book ♪
「見てる、知ってる、考えてる」中島芭旺 A book by 9years old boy
タラのトマトソース煮 Boiled cod with tomato sauce
**タラのトマトソース煮 Boiled cod with tomato sauce
置き、その周りに スライスしたマッシュルーム4個を置きます。
さらに、ミックスチーズを一握りのせ、ラップをかぶせて レンジでチンします。
三度豆のあえ物 Green beans salad
1.三度豆は茹でてから、斜め半分に切り 器に盛ります。
2.だし醤油をかけ 鰹節をのせます。
野菜のリコッタチーズ和え Vegetables dressed with ricotta cheese
** Boiled cod with tomato sauce (for 2 people)
1. Place a little tomato sauce on heat‐resistant containers and put 2 cod fillets on it.
Put 4 sliced mushrooms around fish.
2. Put a handful cheese mix for pizza on them and then put 200g tomato sauce.
and a handful cheese mix on them again.
Cover with plastic wrap. Microwave to cook.
3. Put parsley on them.
** Green beans salad
1. Boil green beans and cut in half diagonally. Put in serving dishes.
2. Pour seasoning soy sauce and put dried bonito shavings on top.
** Vegetables dressed with ricotta cheese
1. Cut cherry tomatos into four equal slieces.
Boil potherb mustard and then cut into 4cm length.
2. Mix 1. with ricotta cheese, a pinch of salt and pepper and put in(on) serving
dishes. Then pour olive oil.