まぐろ漬け丼 Soy-marinated tuna sashimi rice bowl
**まぐろ漬け丼 Soy-marinated tuna sashimi rice bowl
厚揚げと舞茸のあんかけ Thick deep-fried tofu and hen-of-the-woods dressed with a thick starchy sauce
3.器に盛り おろししょうがをのせ ねぎを散らします。
れんこんの梅肉和え Lotus root with pickled plum
水1カップに酢小1を沸騰させた中に れんこんを入れ 2分ほど茹でます。
2.梅干し大2個をつぶし、だし醤油小2、砂糖少々と混ぜ 梅肉を作り、
**小松菜のごま和え Japanese mustard spinach dressed with sesame
器に盛り すりごまを天盛します。
** Soy-marinated tuna sashimi rice bowl (for 2 people)
1. Cut 150g~180g tuna sashimi into bite size slices.
Soak tuna in seasoning soy sauce for more than 1 hour in a fridge.
2. Put rice in a bowl and sprinkle teared toasted and seasoned laver.
Then put tuna on them and striped green perilla on top.
3. Serve with wasabi paste.
** Thick deep-fried tofu and hen-of-the-woods dressed with a thick starchy sauce (for 2 people)
1. Cut 2 thick deep-fried tofu into bite size pieces.
Loose hen-of-the-wood.
2. Put 150cc soup. 1tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp rice wine, 1tbsp sweet rice wine, 1tsp sugar,
Thick deep-fried tofu and hen-of-the-woods in a pot and bring it to boil
Thicken the broth with starch+water (2:1)
3. Put in serving dishes and put grated ginger and sprinkle green leeks.
** Lotus root with pickled plum (for 2 people)
1. Cut 50g lotus root into thin slices then wash with water a few times.
Boil 1 cup water with 1tsp vinegar. Add lotus root and cook for 2 min.
2. Chop 2 pickled plums fine. And add 2tsp seasoning soy sauce and a little sugar to
make plum sauce.
Add lotus root and mix.
3. Put in serving dishes and thin striped yuzu skin on top.
** Japanese mustard spinach dressed with sesame (for 2 people)
1. Boil Japanese mustard spinach in hot water. Cut into 3~4cm length.
Mix with seasoning soysauce and grated sesame.
Put in serving dishes and grated sesame on top.