変わった取り合わせ Eccentric combination
**湯豆腐 Boiled tofu
1.土鍋に だし昆布を敷き、白菜を入れて 煮ます。 白菜がやわらかくなったら、
豆腐を入れ 沸騰したら、春菊を入れて ひと煮立ちさせます。
**里芋の揚げだし煮 Deep-fried taro with tempura dipping sauce
1.里芋2〜3個は洗って 皮ごと25分ほどゆで、皮をむいてから つぶします。
片栗粉小1を混ぜ込み、小判型にして、油を引いたフライパンで こんがり焼きます。
**高菜のチャーハン Fried rice with leaf mustard
1.高菜は熱湯で茹でて、絞り、 細かく切ります (約100g)。
中華スープの素小1を加え、卵とごはん300gを入れて 炒めます。
** Boiled tofu
1. Put a small piece of dried kelp for making stock and water in an earthenware pot.
Add Chinese cabbage and cook.
Then add tofu and bring it to boil.
Add edible chrysanthemum and bring it to boil.
2. With ponzu with chopped green leek.
** Deep-fried taro with tempura dipping sauce (for 2 people)
Refer to a magazine with our small circulation♪
1. Wash 2~3 taro and then boil for 25 min. Peel the skins and mash.
Add 1tsp starch and mix. Make two ovals.
Oil a fry pan and cook two ovals until brown.
2. Put 100cc water and seasoning soy sauce to make tempura sauce.
Bring it to boil.
3. Put 1.taro and soup in serving dishes and put grated Japanese radish and
grated ginger on top.
** Fried rice with leaf mustard (for 2 people)
1. Boil 100g leaf mustard and squeeze. Cut into fine pieces.
Chop 60g leek into fine pieces.
2. Break an egg and add a pinch of salt and pepper.
Oil a fry pan and make fine scrambled egg. Remove from the pan.
3. 1tbsp oil in a fry pan and fry leaf mustard, leek and 10g dried shrimps.
Add 1tsp Chinese soup powder(or paste), 300g rice. Fry well.