大納会 The last session of the year
大納会 2016/12/30
2016年1月4日〜2016年12月30日 from 4th of Jan to 30th of Dec, 2016 (JPN Time)
The last session of the year. 30th of Dec, 2016 (JPN time)
肉じゃが Beef and potato stew in Japanese stock
**肉じゃが Beef and potato stew in Japanese stock
3.だし汁2カップを入れ沸騰したら アクをとり、醤油大2.5、 みりん大4、砂糖大1を
加えて落し蓋をし、沸騰したら 弱火にして15分煮ます。
**キャベツの粒マスタードサラダ Cabbage salad dressed with whole-grain mustard
玉ねぎ50gは薄切りして 水にさらします。水切りしておきます。
2.粒マスタード大1、酢大1、だし醤油小1/2、醤油小1/2, オリーブ油大1
を混ぜあわせ、キャベツと玉ねぎを加え 和えます。
**炒めれんこん Fried lotus root
水にさらし、 水切りします。
3.ポン酢大1をかけて 手早く炒めます。
** Beef and potato stew in Japanese stock (for 2~3 people)
1.Cut 150g sliced beef into bite size chunks.
Chop 3 potatoes.
Cut 1 onion into wedges.
Cut carrot into round slices (several slices)
Cut 130g konnyaku noodles into the proper length.
2. Heat 2tsp oil in a pot and fry onion then beef.
Add carrot, pototoes and konnyaku noodles and fry.
3. Pour 2 cups Japanese stock and bring it to boil.
Skim off the scum that rises to the surface of the cooking water and then
add 2.5tbsp soy sauce, 4tbsp sweet rice wine and 1tbsp sugar.
Put a small lid directly on the food and bring it to boil.
Then turn down the heat and simmer for 15 min.
** Cabbage salad dressed with whole-grain mustard (for 2 people)
1. Cut 150g cabbage into thin strips.
Cut 50g onion into thin slices. Soak in water then drain.
2. Mix 1tbsp whole-grain mustard, 1tbsp vinegar, 1/2tsp seasoning soy sauce,
1/2tsp soy sauce and 1tbsp olive oil then add cabbage and onion. Mix.
** Fried lotus root (for 2 people)
1.Cut 150g lotus roots into thin slices. Soak in water then drain.
2. Heat1tbsp rice bran oil in a fry pan and fry lotus roots for 2 min until transparent.
3. Add 1tbsp ponzu and fry briefly.
Put on serving dishes and put dried bonito shavings on top.