鶏と白ねぎのオイスターソース炒め Fried chicken and leek with oyster sauce
**鶏と白ねぎのオイスターソース炒め Fried chicken and leek with oyster sauce
1.鶏胸肉(皮と脂は取り除く)1枚は 一口大にそぎ切りし、こしょう少々と米油小1入れて
白ねぎ1本は 斜め切りします。
2.フライパンで 鶏肉を炒め、次に 白ねぎを入れて 炒めます。
**アボカドのカテージチーズ和え Avocado dressed with cottage cheese
1.アボカド1個は 1.5cm各に切ります。
竹輪1本は 3mmぐらいの輪切りにします。
**レタスとほうれん草のサラダ Lettuce and spinach salad
**酢レンコン Vinegared lotus root
** Fried chicken and leek with oyster sauce (for 2 people)
1. Cut 1 chicken breast (removed skin and fat) into long, thin, diagonal bite-size chunks.
Add pepper and 1tsp rice bran oil and rub.
Cut 1 leek into long, thin, diagonal chunks.
2. Fry chicken and then add leek.
Season with a pinch of salt and 2tsp oyster sauce.
** Avocado dressed with cottage cheese (for 2~3 people)
1. Cut 1 avocado into 1.5cm cubes.
Cut a tube‐shaped fish paste cake into 3mm width slices.
2. Mix avocado, 50g cottage cheese, fish paste cake, a pinch of salt and
a few drops of Chinese chili oil.
** Lettuce and spinach salad
1. Mix lettuce, boiled spinach, sweetened vinegar, rice bran oil, a pinch of salt
and pepper.
2. Put on serving dishes and put imitation crab meat on top.
** Vinegared lotus root
the same one as yesterday