レンコン Lotus root
三重県四日市市に行く途中の サービスエリアで レンコンなどを購入♪
夫は れんこんの天ぷらと酢レンコンが食べたいというので、
**レンコン、三度豆、舞茸の天ぷら Lotus root, string beans and hen-of-the-woods tempura
天つゆと 大根おろしを添えて。
**酢レンコン Vinegared lotus root
1.れんこんは皮を厚めにむいて 2mm厚さに切ります。
水に浸し、2,3度水をかえて あく抜きします。
2.鍋に れんこん、三杯酢(またはすし酢):だし汁(1:1)をひたひたに入れ、
弱火にかけ 沸騰したら、1,2分煮ます。
冷まし 味を含ませます。
**豆腐と長芋のすりおろし焼き Fried Tofu and grated Chinese yam
油を引いたフライパンで 豆腐を焼きます。
We bought lotus roots at a highway rest stop on the way to Yokkaichi-city, Mie prf. ♪
My husband wants to eat lotus root tempura and vinegared lotus root. So I've cooked.♪
** Lotus root, string beans and hen-of-the-woods tempura
1. Cut ingredients into appropriately sized pieces.
Mix tempura flour and water to make batter.
Dip the ingredients in the batter and deep fry.
Serve with tempura sauce and grated white radish.
** Vinegared lotus root
1. Peel lotus root and cut into 2mm width round slices.
Wash with water 2 to 3 times to remove harshness.
2. Put lotus root, Sushi vinegar:soup (1:1) in a pot (pour in just enough water
to cover lotus root) over low heat.
Bring it to boil then cook for 1~2 min.
3. Put 2. in enameled or glass ware (container) with chopped red pepper and kelp.
Let it cool.
** Fried tofu and grated Chinese yam (for 2 people)
1. Drain 1 tofu and cut into appropriately sized pieces.
Oil a fry pan and cook tofu until browned.
2. Pour grated Chinese yam(10cm) over tofu until foamy
Then pour seasoning soy sauce evenly in soft spiral motion
and sprinkle chopped green leeks.