マグロのカツ Breaded tuna cutlet
**マグロのカツ Breaded tuna cutlet.
2.フライパンに多めの油を入れ マグロを揚げます。
4.ほうれん草をソテーし、塩コショウで味付けたものを 添えています。
**長芋、舞茸、高菜の煮物 Boiled Chinese yam, hen-of-the-woods and leaf mustard
1.だし汁1カップに みりん大1とだし醤油大2を入れ 長芋、舞茸を煮ます。
出来上がる直前に高菜を入れ ひと煮立ちさせます。
きゅうりとわかめの酢の物 Vinegared cucumber and wakame seaweed
1.きゅうりを薄切りして 塩もみしてから 洗って絞ります。
2.きゅうりとわかめを 甘酢とすりごまで 和えます。
** Breaded tuna cutlet (for 2 people)
1. Season 200g tuna for sashimi with pepper and salt.
Wipe off extra moisture.
Mix 2tbsp flour, 1tbsp water and 1tsp mayonnaise and coat tuna.
Then a little while later, bread.
2. Heat some oil in a fry pan and fry tuna until the breadcrumbs turn brown.
(fry briefly)
3. Cut into proper sizes for ease of eating.
4. Stir fry spinach. Season with salt and pepper.
** Boiled Chinese yam, hen-of-the-woods and leaf mustard
1. Put 1cup soup, 1tbsp sweet rice wine and 2tbsp seasoning soy sauce in a pot
and add Chinese yam and hen-of-the-woods. Cook.
Just before cooked, add leaf mustard and bring it to boil.
** Vinegared cucumber and wakame seaweed
1.Cut cucumber into thin slices. Salt and rub. Wash with water then squeeze.
2. Mix cucumber, wakame, grated sesame and sweetened vinegar