大根と鶏の甘酢あん White radish and chicken with sweet and sour sauce
大根と鶏の甘酢あん White radish and chicken with sweet and sour sauce
1.大根100gは乱切りにし、電子レンジで 3分ほど加熱します。
片栗粉をまぶして 180℃の油で揚げます。
4.フライパンに米油少々を熱し みじん切りした白ねぎ大1とニンニクのみじん切り小1を
炒め、香りが立ったら 大根、鶏肉、3.の甘酢たれをいれ、とろみがつくまで混ぜあわせます。
5.器に盛り イタリアンパセリ(グリーン色のもの)を散らします。
春巻きの皮包み Wrapped in spring roll skin
1.ジャガイモ1個は皮をむき、電子レンジで 40秒ほど加熱し、薄くスライスします。
にら50gぐらいは茹でて 2cm幅ぐらいに切ります。
2.春巻きの皮1枚につき ピザ用チーズ大1、じゃがいもの半分、にらの半分を置き、真ん中を
くぼませ そこに卵1個を割り入れます。
縁にその白身または水を塗って 閉じます。
同じものを もう一つ作ります。
二十日大根の即席漬け Instant radish pickles
2.だし醤油40cc、砂糖大1、酢大1、塩少々を混ぜた中に 1.を
** White radish and chicken with sweet and sour sauce (for 2 people)
1. Chop 100g white radish. Then Microwave for 3 min.
Wipe off the moisture and then deep-fry without batter in 180℃ oil.
2. Cut 150g chicken breast (removed skin and fat) into bite size pieces.
Salt and pepper and then cover with starch. Deep-fry in 180℃ oil.
3. Mix 1.5tbsp sugar, 1tbsp vinegar, 1.5tsp soy sauce, 1.5tsp rice wine and 50cc
Chinese soup.
4. Oil a fry pan and stir fry 1tbsp chopped leek and 1tsp chopped garlic until there's
an aroma.
Add white radish, chicken and 3. and stir fry until thickened.
Pour a little sesame oil evenly.
5. Put in(on) serving dishes and garnish with Italian parsley ( green leaves such as coriander)
** Wrapped in spring roll skin (for 2 people)
1. Peel 1 potato and then microwave for 40 sec. Cut into thin slices.
Boil 50g Chinese chive and then cut into 2cm length.
2. On one skin, put 1tbsp cheese, 1/2 potatoes and 1/2 Chinese chive. Make a hollow in the middle
Open an egg and then put it in the hollow.
Fold it shut with a bit of water on the edge.
Make one more of the same things.
3. Deep-fry them.
4. Garnish with lemon.
** Instant radish pickles
1. Cut 10 radish into half ~ 1/6 euqal parts.
2. Mix 40cc seasoning soy sauce, 1tbsp sugar, 1tbsp vinegar and a pinch of salt.
Add 1. and soak for 1 hour.
** Boiled sardine with pickled Japanese plum and ginger