It's August already. How time flies!
Stir-fried pork, green peppers and onions with miso
**モロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow in broth
Three kinds(okra, Chinese yam and natto) of deliciously sticky and slimy salad
**茄子の田舎煮 Deep-fried and then boiled eggplants
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ミンスミート Mincemeat
ミンスミート Mincemeat
1.レーズン(カレンス、サルタナ、レーズンなど) 360g
オレンジピール(みじん切り) 50g
りんご(皮をむき5mm角) 1/2個
バター 60g
砂糖(三温糖) 100g
シナモンパウダー 小1/4
ミックススパイス 小1/2
以上を鍋に入れて 弱火にかけ 砂糖とバターが溶けるまで 混ぜます。
2.溶けたら ラム酒 100cc を加え 弱火で一煮立ちさせます。
3.密封容器に入れて 1週間から1,2ヶ月漬けておきます。
1. 360g raisins (sultanas, raisins and others)
50g orange peel (chopped)
1/2 apples (peeled and chopped)
60g butter
100g soft brown sugar
1/4tsp cinnamon powder
1/2tsp mixed spices
Put them in a pot and cook them on low heat. Mix until the sugar and the butter dissolve.
2. Add 100cc rum and bring it to boil on low heat.
3. Put it in an airtight container for one week to 1 or 2 months.
ブリティッシュベイクオフ、ポールさんのミンスパイ British Bake off, Paul's mince Pie
ミンスミートのスパイスの香りがして 簡単で美味しいです
It is delicious with the smell of spices and easy to cook.
ポールさんのレシピでは この倍量でしたので、半量で6個作りました。
小麦粉を振った台にとり、こねすぎずにボール状にして、ラップでくるみ 冷蔵庫で寝かせます。
2.1.を 粉を振った台に出し (まず 6(本体):4(ふた)ぐらいに生地をわけます)
3.ミンスミート 300g(各50g)を入れ(たっぷりで はみだすぐらいになります)ます。
4.蓋用を同じく3〜4mm厚さにのばし 8cmぐらいの円に切り抜き かぶせます。
(はじめに生地を分けてなかったので残りが少なくなり 手で平たくして ちょこんと置きました。
焼き上がったら なんとなく蓋に見えてます(笑)。
6.仕上げに粉砂糖を振ります。(切って 切り口に生クリームをかけても良いそうです)。
Paul's recipe was twice the amount(12 pieces)
(six pieces)
1. Fold 180g plain flour, 120g soft butter, 60g caster sugar and 1/2 eggs into the dough.
On a floured work surface, roll the dough into a ball and wrap it with a plastic film.
Chill in the refrigerator.
2. On a floured work surface, divide the dough into 6(main):4(lid).
for the main, roll it out into 3mm to 4mm thickness.
Cut out 6 pieces of 9cm round. Put them in 6 muffin cups.
(The height will be 80 % of the cup)
3. Put 300g mincemeat in the cups(50g each) It will be higher than a cup.
4. On a floured work surface, for lid, roll out the rest dough and cut out 6 pieces of 8cm round,
(I didn't divide the dough first. There wasn't enough dough for the lid.
so I divide the rest amount of dough into 6 pieces and make them flat
and put on the top. (After baked, it looks like a lid)
5. Bake at 200℃ for 20 mins.
6. Sprinkle powdered sugar.
It is delicious with the smell of spices and easy to cook.
ポールさんのレシピでは この倍量でしたので、半量で6個作りました。
小麦粉を振った台にとり、こねすぎずにボール状にして、ラップでくるみ 冷蔵庫で寝かせます。
2.1.を 粉を振った台に出し (まず 6(本体):4(ふた)ぐらいに生地をわけます)
3.ミンスミート 300g(各50g)を入れ(たっぷりで はみだすぐらいになります)ます。
4.蓋用を同じく3〜4mm厚さにのばし 8cmぐらいの円に切り抜き かぶせます。
(はじめに生地を分けてなかったので残りが少なくなり 手で平たくして ちょこんと置きました。
焼き上がったら なんとなく蓋に見えてます(笑)。
6.仕上げに粉砂糖を振ります。(切って 切り口に生クリームをかけても良いそうです)。
Paul's recipe was twice the amount(12 pieces)
(six pieces)
1. Fold 180g plain flour, 120g soft butter, 60g caster sugar and 1/2 eggs into the dough.
On a floured work surface, roll the dough into a ball and wrap it with a plastic film.
Chill in the refrigerator.
2. On a floured work surface, divide the dough into 6(main):4(lid).
for the main, roll it out into 3mm to 4mm thickness.
Cut out 6 pieces of 9cm round. Put them in 6 muffin cups.
(The height will be 80 % of the cup)
3. Put 300g mincemeat in the cups(50g each) It will be higher than a cup.
4. On a floured work surface, for lid, roll out the rest dough and cut out 6 pieces of 8cm round,
(I didn't divide the dough first. There wasn't enough dough for the lid.
so I divide the rest amount of dough into 6 pieces and make them flat
and put on the top. (After baked, it looks like a lid)
5. Bake at 200℃ for 20 mins.
6. Sprinkle powdered sugar.
ゴーヤチャンプル Stir-fried bitter melon with pork and vegetables
**ゴーヤチャンプル Stir-fried bitter melon with pork and vegetables
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**カブの甘酢和え Turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**ウリと竹輪の煮物 Boiled gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
アーモンドケーキ Almond cake
1.卵3個とグラニュー糖90gを泡立器で 白っぽくふんわりするまで混ぜます。
1.に加え 泡をつぶさないように 混ぜます。
3.溶かしバター90gを2.に少しづつ加えて つやのある生地にします。
6.冷ましてから 粉砂糖を振ります。
(18cm round mold)
1. Beat 3 eggs and 90g granulated sugar with an electric mixer until thick and pale.
2. Sift 125g almond powder, 60g cake flour and 2g BP.
and add to 1. Mix them without breaking the bubble.
3. Add 90g melted butter little by little to make dough.
4. Pour into a 18cm-perchment-lined mold.
5. Bake at 160℃ for 35 mins.
6. Let it cool and then sprinkle powdered sugar.
さんまの蒲焼き Glaze-grilled saury
It's very hot outside.
**さんまの蒲焼き Glaze-grilled saury
**ししとうの炒め物 Stir-fried sweet peppers
**冷や奴、ニラダレで Chilled tofu with Chinese chive sauce
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製きゅうりと茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled cucumbers and eggplants
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**味噌汁 Miso soup
**ご飯 Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
アスパラガスとオクラの鶏肉巻き Asparagus, okra and chicken rolls
Asparagus, okra and chicken rolls
**オクラのガーリック炒め Stir-fried okra with garlic
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Squid, wakame and cucumber with sweetened vinegar
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**味噌汁 Miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ブルーベリーマフィン Blueberry muffins
「加藤千恵」さんのブルーベリーマフィン を参照しています。
7.8cmx3.7xm 6個で 焼きました。高さがないです。
1.バター50gをクリーム状に練り 砂糖70gを加え 白っぽくなるまで
すり混ぜてから 卵1個を入れ よく混ぜます。
2.1.に薄力粉100g、BP小1、を加え 混ぜてから 牛乳60ccを
少しずつ加え つやが出るまで混ぜます。
3.2.の半分を型に入れ ブルーベリーを3粒ほど入れ 残りの生地を入れ
暖かい内に 召し上がれ♪
冷めたら オーブンで温めると良いです。
Blueberry muffins (5cmx3cm cup 6 pieces)
I used 6 cups of 7.8cm x 3.7cm . They are short.
1. Mix 50g butter until creamy. Then add 70g sugar and mix them until creamy.
Add 1 beaten egg and mix them well.
2. Add 100g cake flour and 1tsp BP and mix them together.
Add 60cc milk slowly and mix them until glossy.
3. Pour half of 2. into 6 cups and place 3 blueberries each cup.
Pour the rest of the dough into cups. and put 3 blueberries each on top.
4. Bake at 170℃ for 25 mins.
Eat it while it is warm. Warm it when it get cold (it'll tastes better if you heat it up)
あじの味噌焼き、キャベツとジャガイモ添え Grilled horse mackerel with cabbages and potatoes
私は、どれも美味しくいただきましたが、夫は カブの甘酢和えだけ食べて
寝るわと言って 昼寝をして起きたら 元の元気になり、残してたのを平らげ、
全然 心配ない。夜遅くまで起きていた(朝方寝た)ので 睡眠不足だっただけ。
I ate them all but my husband ate only turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar and
left others. He says he doesn't want to eat.
I was worried.
He took a nap and refreshed himself.
He ate the leftover dishes and ate sweets too.
He is FINE! (he didn't get enough sleep).
Grilled horse mackerel with cabbages and potatoes
**冷や奴、ニラダレで Chilled tofu with Chinese chive sauce
**カブの甘酢和え Turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Salad with tomatoes, broccoli and boiled egg
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
寝るわと言って 昼寝をして起きたら 元の元気になり、残してたのを平らげ、
全然 心配ない。夜遅くまで起きていた(朝方寝た)ので 睡眠不足だっただけ。
I ate them all but my husband ate only turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar and
left others. He says he doesn't want to eat.
I was worried.
He took a nap and refreshed himself.
He ate the leftover dishes and ate sweets too.
He is FINE! (he didn't get enough sleep).
Grilled horse mackerel with cabbages and potatoes
**冷や奴、ニラダレで Chilled tofu with Chinese chive sauce
**カブの甘酢和え Turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Salad with tomatoes, broccoli and boiled egg
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.