パイナップル入り酢豚 Sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple
**パイナップル入り酢豚 Sweet‐and‐sour pork with pineapple
1.豚肉こま切れ150gに醤油大1としょうがすり下ろしを入れ 揉み込みます。
片栗粉をまぶし ゴマ油を引いたフライパンに 肉を丸めながら 入れて 焼きます。
2.人参は食べやすい大きさに切り レンチンします。
4.1.に玉ねぎと人参を入れて炒め 火が通ったら ピーマン、パイナップル、3.を入れて
**ブロッコリーとパプリカのあえもの Broccoli and orange bell pepper salad
1.茹でたブロッコリーとパプリカを ごま油、スープの素、甘酢で和えます。
**炒めないチャーハン Not fried but mixed rice
2.ボウルに 青ネギ、すりごま小1、ごま油大1、中華スープの素小1、醤油大1/2を入れ
**バナナの包み揚げ Fried banana in gyoza skin
1.バナナを1cm厚さの輪切りにし 砂糖大1ぐらいをまぶし 餃子の皮に包み
** Sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple (for 2 people)
1. Mix 150g pork slices, 1tbsp soy sauce and grated ginger well.
Cover with starch.
Sesame oil in a frying pan and bake meat balls which were made round .
2. Cut carrot into bite size pieces and microwave to cook.
Cut some onions, green peppers and pineapples into bite size pieces.
3. Mix 1tbsp ketchup, 1tbsp vinegar 1tbsp sugar, 3tbsp water, 1tsp soup paste and
1tsp starch.
4. Fry onions and carrots with 1. until cooked then add green peppers, pineapples and 3.
Stir fry them.
** Broccoli and orange bell pepper salad
1. Mix boiled broccoli and orange bell peppers with sesame oil, soup paste and sweet vinegar.
** Not fried but mixed rice (for 2 people)
1. Stir fry 1 beaten egg to make scrambled egg.
Chop 1 stalk of green leek finely.
2. Mix green leeks, 1tsp grated sesame, 1tbsp sesame oil, 1tsp Chinese soup powder
(or paste) and 1/2tbsp soy sauce well in a bowl.
Add 300g rice and egg then mix well.
Add salt and pepper for seasoning.
** Fried banana in gyoza skin
1. Cut 1 banana into 1cm width slices. then mix with 1tbsp sugar.
Wrap them in gyoza skins and deep fry.