あんかけ焼きそば Fried noodle with starchy sauce
**あんかけ焼きそば Fried noodle with starchy sauce
1.中華麺をフライパンに入れ 酒をふり 両面を焼き お皿にのせます。
などを加え 水300cc、鶏ガラスープの素小2、さとう大1,酒大1,ごま油大1,
3.塩、こしょうで味を調え 水溶き片栗粉で とろみをつけます。
**白菜キムチ Kimuchi
** Fried noolde with starchy sauce (for 2 to 3 people)
1. Put Chinese noodles in a frying pan and sprinkle rice wine on them Bake them on both sides.
Then put on/in individual dishes.
2. Fry pork slices carrots, cabbages, leeks and shiitake mushrooms.
Add boiled fish paste, imitation crab sticks satsuma-age(deep-fried fish paste) and so on.
Then add 300cc water,, 2tsp chicken stock powder 1tbsp sugar, 1tbsp rice wine,
1tsbp sesame oil, 1/2tbsp mirin(sweet rice wine), 2tbsp soy sauce and 1tsp oyster sauce.
Finally add green peppers.
3. Season 2. with salt and pepper. Thicken the broth with starch (+water).
4. Pour 3. over 1.
** Kimchi