もずくのかき揚げ Mixed mozuku seaweed and carrot tempura
**もずくのかき揚げ Mixed mozuku seaweed and carrot tempura
1.もずくはキッチンペーパーで水分を少し取り 天ぷら粉をまぶします。
2.人参はせんぎりにし 1.と混ぜ合わせます。
3.油で揚げます。 塩を振ります。
**鰹のたたき Bonito tataki
1.かつおのたたきに 海藻サラダ、大葉、にんにくスライス、しょうが千切りをそえ
**大根と厚揚の煮物 Boiled white radish and thick deep-fried tofu
1.大根はごま油で炒めてから厚揚を加え ひたひたのだし汁、さとう、みりん、酒、
**オクラと長芋の和え物 Okra and Chinese yam salad
**〆はごはんとお漬け物 Rice and pickled vegetables to call it a night
茄子の辛子漬け と キュウリのキュチャン と たきたてごはん。
** Mixed mozuku seaweed and carrot tempura
1. Wipe off moisture of mizuku seaweed with paper towel and then cover with
tempura flour.
2. Cut carrot into thin strips and then mix with 1.
3. Deep fry. Sprinkle salt.
** Bonito tataki
1. Serve bonito tataki with seaweed salad, green perilla, sliced garlic and thin stripped ginger.
Pour ponzu.
** Boiled white radish and thick deep-fried tofu
1. Stir fry white radish with sesame oil then add thick deep-fried tofu.
Pour in just enough soup to cover and put sugar, mirin(sweet rice wine), rice wine and
soy sauce. Simmer.
2. Sprinkle chopped green leeks.
** Okra and Chinese yam salad
1. Mix boiled okra and Chinese yam with seasoning soy sauce.
Put dried bonito shavings on top.
** Rice and pickled vegetables to call it a night
Egg plants pickled in mustard, pickled cucumber and freshly cooked rice.
I am glad to have them.Good!