**ぎょうざ Gyoza
手作りぎょうざ 久しぶり。
一度目は 焼き過ぎ、 二度目は もう少し焼けばよかった。
すりおろししょうが大1、すりおろしにんにく1片 と 豚肉ミンチ200gを
粘りが出るまで よく練ります。
2.キャベツ300gはみじん切りにし レンチンしてから 絞ります。
4.油を引いたフライパンに並べ お湯を入れて 蓋をし 蒸し焼きにします。
**ゴーヤと豆腐の卵炒め Stir fried bitter melon and tofu with egg
1.フライパンにごま油を引き ゴーヤと豆腐を炒め めんつゆ少々で味を調え
卵でとじ 鰹節を加えて 全体を混ぜます。
**ルッコラとわかめのサラダ Rocket and wakame salad
** Gyoza (for 35 pieces)
It's been a while since I baked homemade gyoza last time.
I cooked the gyouza too long and it turned really black.
And next, I should cook a little more.
But it was so good ♪
1. Mix 2tbsp rice wine, 2tbsp sweet rice wine, 2tbsp oyster sauce, 2tbsp sesame oil,
2tsp soup powder, 1tbsp grated ginger, 1 clove of grated garlic and 200g minced pork.
Stir until it gets sticky.
2. Chop 300g cabbages fine and then microwave to cook. Then squeeze.
Chop 50g Chinese chive fine.
3. Add 2. to 1. and mix.
Place the filling in the middle of the gyoza skin and fold over the skin and make pleats.
4. Oil a frying pan and place 3. and pour warm water and put a lid on. Smother.
** Stir fried bitter melon and tofu with egg
1. Sesame oil in a frying pan and stir fry bitter melon and tofu. Season with seasoning soy sauce
then pour beaten egg.
Sprinkle dried bonito shavings and toss them together.
** Rocket and wakame salad
1. Put rocket boiled cauliflower,, boiled shimeji mushrooms and wakame in individual dishes
Then pour sweetened vinegar, seasoning soy sauce and sesame oil over them.