暑いです。。。 It's hot...
暑い毎日が続いています。汁気のもの あっさりしたものがよいですね。
**ほうれん草の白和え Spinach dressed with tofu and white sesame
混ぜ合わせ 茹でたほうれん草を和えます。
**豆腐、カボチャ、なすびの揚げ出し Fried tofu, Japanese pumpkin and egg plant with soup
2.めんつゆを天つゆの濃さにして 一度沸騰させ 1.にかけ 大根おろしとすりおろししょうがをのせ
**アジのマリネ Marinated horse mackerel
**冷やしソーメン Somen (Japanese very thin noodle made of wheat flour)
It's been hot for many days. One could use moist foot and light food
** Spinach dressed with tofu and white sesame (for 2 people)
1. Mix 40g tofu, 2tsp sesame paste, 20g light brown miso, 1tsp sugar and 1tsp sweet rice wine
Then mix with boiled spinach.
** Fried tofu, Japanese pumpkin and egg plant with soup
1. Cover flour on tofu.
Make some cuts in egg plant skins.
Deep fry tofu, egg plants and Japanese pumpkins.
Put them in individual dishes.
2. Boil water and seasoning soy (2:1) and pour over 1.
And put grated white radish and grated ginger on them and sprinkle chopped green leesk.
** Marinated horse mackerel
** Somen (Japanese very thin noodle made of wheat flour)