夫はニラで ニラだれ ばかり作っています。
刻んだニラに 甘辛いたれと すりおろしニンニク、ごま油など(焼き肉のたれっぽい)加えています。
何にでも合い もっか、我が家のブームです♪
My husband often makes Chinese chive sauce.
It is mixed chopped Chinese chive, grated garlic, sesame oil, sugar, soy sauce and so on.
It goes well with any dish.
It is our boom right now.
**焼きうどん Fried noodles
**冷や奴、ニラだれ Cold tofu with Chinese chive sauce
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
アップルクランブル Apple crumble
アップルクランブル (18cmスクエアー型)
1.まず クランブル を 作ります。
薄力粉100g、グラニュー糖70g、バター50gを 手ですりつぶすように混ぜ
(好みで クルミやレーズンを加えても良いです)
りんご2個は皮をむき芯を取り 一口大に切り、18cmx18cmのスクエアー型に
それにグラニュー糖30g、バター20gを入れ混ぜ合わせ シナモン小1/2を入れ
Apple crumble (a 18cm square tin)
1. Crumble
Mix 100g plain flour, 70g granulated sugar and 50g butter by hand making it like
Mix 1/2tsp cinnamon and mix them together.
(you can add some walnuts and/or raisins if you like)
2. Apple filling
Cut 2 apples(peel and remove cores) in bite size pieces and put them in
a 18cm square tin.
Then add 30g granulated sugar and 20g butter and 1/2tsp cinnamon. Mix them together.
3. Sprinkle1. over 2.
Bake at 200℃ for 25 mins.
You can put some ice cream on the side.
ベーコンとキャベツの煮込み Stewed bacon and cabbage
**ベーコンとキャベツの煮込み Stewed bacon and cabbage
**山の芋のニラだれかけ Chinese yam with Chinese chive sauce
Cucumbers, carrots and daikon with sweetened vinegar
**空豆のガーリック炒め Stir-fried broad beans with garlic
Salad with various vegetables and imitation crab meat
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
蚯蚓出 Mimizu-Izuru
寒いです It's cold today
昨日は 寒かったので また 暖房つけました。
今朝も 寒いです。
We turned on the heater as we felt very cold yesterday.
It is also cold this morning.
**春巻き Spring rolls
**二十日大根の甘酢和え Radish with sweetened vinegar
**セリとしめじの和え物 Water dropwort and shimeji mushroom salad
**茄子の焼き浸し Grilled egg plants in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
今朝も 寒いです。
We turned on the heater as we felt very cold yesterday.
It is also cold this morning.
**春巻き Spring rolls
**二十日大根の甘酢和え Radish with sweetened vinegar
**セリとしめじの和え物 Water dropwort and shimeji mushroom salad
**茄子の焼き浸し Grilled egg plants in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
鮭の味噌鉄板焼き Grilled salmon with miso
連休前に パン焼き器が 壊れたので 手で捏ねたり 蒸しパンを作ったりしてました。
昨日届きました。 パン焼き器は本当に便利です。
My bread making machine was broken before the holiday and I was kneading the dough
and/or making steamed bread.
A new machine arrived yesterday.
It would be handy if you had one.
**鮭の味噌鉄板焼き Grilled salmon with miso
Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**空豆の煮物 Boiled broad beans
**フライド山の芋 Deep-fried Chinese yam
Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
昨日届きました。 パン焼き器は本当に便利です。
My bread making machine was broken before the holiday and I was kneading the dough
and/or making steamed bread.
A new machine arrived yesterday.
It would be handy if you had one.
**鮭の味噌鉄板焼き Grilled salmon with miso
Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**空豆の煮物 Boiled broad beans
**フライド山の芋 Deep-fried Chinese yam
Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki champon noodles
ベランダに 使いたいときに使える 木の芽が あるのは良い〜〜♡
It's nice to have a leaf bud on our balcony. We can use it whenever we want.
**長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki champon noodles
**ホウレンソウのお浸しと長芋 Boiled spinach in broth and Chinese yam
**タケノコの木の芽和え Bamboo shoots with pepper-bud dressing
Cucumber and cherry tomatoes with green chili with yuzu citrus
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
It's nice to have a leaf bud on our balcony. We can use it whenever we want.
**長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki champon noodles
**ホウレンソウのお浸しと長芋 Boiled spinach in broth and Chinese yam
**タケノコの木の芽和え Bamboo shoots with pepper-bud dressing
Cucumber and cherry tomatoes with green chili with yuzu citrus
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ホッケの竜田揚げ Marinated and fried Atka mackerel
朝晩寒くて 冬服を取り出しています。
We take our our winter clothes which I've already put away
because it's been cold in the morning and evening.
Marinated and fried Atka mackerel(my husband removed the skin and bones then cooked)
Cold tofu and Chinese yam with Chinese chive sauce
**空豆のオリーブオイル焼き Grilled Fava beans with olive oil
Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and tube-shaped fish paste cake
Salad with various vegetables and imitation crab meat
Homemade pickles of eggplant and cucumber, and pickled radish
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
カレーライス♪ Curry and rice♪
**カレーライス Curry and rice
Dropwort and tube-shaped fish paste cake dressed with wasabi and soy sauce
Boiled radish leaves and Satsuma-age
Cucumber and cherry tomatoes with olive oil
**春菊とカニかまのサラダ Salad with edible chrysanthemum and imitation crab meat
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.