メロンパン Melon-shaped bun
メロンパン (8個)
2度に分けて加え 白っぽくなるまで混ぜます。
3.ラップに取り出し 薄くのばして 冷蔵庫で 30分休ませます。
4.8等分して 丸めてから 冷蔵庫で休ませます。
6.ガス抜きして丸めなおし 8等分して丸め ラップをして10分休ませます。
7.クッキー生地を 打ち粉をした台にのせ パン生地よりも一回り大きい円に
8.クッキー生地の上にパン生地をのせ パン生地の2/3ぐらいまでを包みます。
10.スケッパーなどで 筋(模様)をつけます。
11.生地が1.5倍ぐらいになるまで 発酵させます。
Melon-shaped bun (8 buns)
(cookie dough)
1. Soften 45g butter to room temperature and add 35g sugar. Mix them together.
Add 1/2(about 25g) eggs little by little. Mix them until it turns white.
2. Add shifted 80g plain flour and 30g almond powder and fold it using
a rubber spatula in a cutting motion.
3. Put 2. on a plastic film and make it flat. Cover it with plastic film and put it in a refrigerator
for 30 mins.
4. Cut 3. into 8 pieces and make balls. Let them sit in the refrigerator.
(bread dough)
5. Set 200g bread flour, 15g sugar, 15g butter, 3g salt, 1/2(about 25g) beaten eggs,
3g dry yeast and 110cc water in a bread baking machine (dough).
6. Punch down the dough and make it a ball. Cut it into 8 pieces and make balls.
Cover them with a plastic film and let it sit for 10 mins.
7. Sprinkle bread flour on a table and flatten a cookie dough a size bigger.
8. Cover a bread dough with a cookie dough up to 2/3 of the way.
9. Put granulated sugar on the cookie dough.
10.Make a pattern with a scraper or a knife.
11. Let ferment the dough until 1.5 times in size.
12. Bake at 190℃ for 13 mins.
カレイとレンコンの唐揚げ Fried flatfish and lotus root
I love fried lotus root. It's so~~~ good♪
**カレイとレンコンの唐揚げ Fried flatfish and lotus root
**玉ねぎの丸ごと蒸し Steamed onion
**パスタのサラダ Pasta salad
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**冬瓜の煮物 Boiled wax gourd
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.