きなこ棒 Kinako sweets
きなこ棒を作りました。 (1/6袋消費です)
I have 3 packets of Kinako (roasted soybean flour) .
I need to use them.
I made Kinako sweets.(I used up 1/6)
1.小さいフライパンで 砂糖大6と水大3を煮溶かし、泡が小さくなってきたら
お味噌ぐらいの固さになったら 手で棒状にしてから 切ります。
2.別の器に きなこにさとうと塩ひとつまみをいれ それに1.を入れまぶします。
3.爪楊枝などを 刺すと良いでしょう。
1. Boil 6tbsp sugar and 3tbsp water in a small frying pan until bubbles become small.
Turn the heat off and add Kinako (about 60g) little by little until it becomes consistency
of miso. Form into stick shape and then cut into small pieces.
2. Put some kinako, sugar and a pinch of salt in a dish and put 1. and cover with the kinako.
自家製ゴーヤ、豚肉、厚揚の味噌炒め Stir-fried home-grown bitter melon, pork and thick deep-fried tofu with miso
21日は 「聖家族の家・聖母託児園の防火訓練」 に参加してきました。
そこから 離れている町会は 何年かに一度 当番がまわってきます。
I participated in the disaster drill of ”the holy family home” on 21st.
Our neighborhood association is far from there so we take turns once in several years.
We practiced a rescue the babies.
Stir-fried home-grown bitter melon, pork and thick deep-fried tofu with miso
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem with miso and vinegar
Tube-shaped fish paste cake, cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
Simmered home-grown bitter melon and kelp in soy sauce
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.