フォカッチャをスクエア型で Focaccia in a square tin
18cmのスクエア型で 焼きました。 I baked a focaccia in a 18cm sq. tin.
塩小1/2 を パン焼き器 「パン生地」でセット。
2.出来上がったら 四角に伸ばし オーブンシートを敷いた型に入れ
軽くラップをかけて 冷蔵庫で一晩 発酵させます。
3.倍ぐらいに膨らんでいるので オリーブオイルをつけた指で 穴を数カ所 開け
4.210℃のオーブンで18分 焼きます。
Using a 18cm sq. tin.
1. Set 200g bread flour, 125cc water, 10g olive oil, 2/3tbsp sugar, 1tsp or less dried yeast and
1/2tsp salt in bread baking machine. Set with "bread dough".
2. Spread it into 17~18cm sq. and place in a tin lined with baking sheet.
Cover it with plastic film. Keep it overnight in the refrigerator.
The next day.
3. Pick several holes with your oiled finger and spread olive oil over the dough.
Sprinkle rosemary and a little salt over the dough.
4. Bake at 210℃ for 18mins.
菊花開 Kiku-no-Hana-Hiraku
エビチリ Shrimp sweet and sour chilli sauce
**エビチリ Shrimp sweet and sour chilli sauce
Stir-fried Italian flat beans, green peppers and luncheon meat
Squid, cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**茄子の煮浸し Simmered eggplant in broth
Potherb mustard with yuzu and olive oil salad
Gourd pickled in sake lees and chopped vegetables pickled in sake lees of IMANISHI
in Nara and homemade lightly pickled Chinese cabbages
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.