クッキー(サブレ) Cookies
2.1.に卵黄1個を加え さらにクリーム状に混ぜます。
3.2.に薄力粉160gとアーモンドプードル40gを加え ざっくりとまとめ
直径3cmの棒状にして ラップでくるみ 1時間以上 冷蔵庫で休ませます。
170℃ で 18分焼きます(うっすら焼き色がつくまで)。
1. Mix 100g butter and 70g powder sugar until white.
2. Add 1 egg yolk to 1. and mix well until creamy
3. Add 160g cake flour and 40g almond powder and put together as a whole.
Then make it a stick shaped of a diameter 3cm.
Cover it with a plastic film and let it sit in the refrigerator for more than one hour.
4. Dusting 3. with sugar and then cut into 1cm width slices.
Bake at 170℃ for 18 mins. (until lightly browned)..