新米と ごはんのお友達の 牛肉のしぐれ煮、特に美味しかった♪
New rice and boiled beef with sweetened soy sauce which goes well with rice were especially delicious ♪
**薄揚げと水菜のハリハリ鍋 Harihari-nabe
**洋風茶碗蒸し Western style steamed egg custard
**春菊とリンゴのサラダ Edible chrysanthemum and apple salad
**白菜の浅漬け Lightly pickled Chinese cabbage
**小松菜と椎茸の煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and shiitake mushroom
**ごはん Rice
**牛肉のしぐれ煮 Boiled beef with sweetened soy sauce
Boiled beans and boiled shiitake and mushroom with sweetened soy sauce
They were good. Thank you.