サバの味噌煮 Simmered mackerel with miso
**サバの味噌煮 Simmered mackerel with miso
Simmered leaves of daikon, tube-shaped fish paste cake and canned tuna
Cucumber, canned tuna and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**冷や奴 Cold tofu
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
**ハマチのアラの赤だし Red (dark-brown) miso soup with bones of young yellowtail
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ぴりぴりチキン(レトルト) Spicy chicken (pre-packed food)
ピザマルゲリータ Pizza Margherita
1.パン焼き器に 水180cc、オリーブ油20g、強力粉280g、砂糖8g、
2.打ち粉(強力粉)を振った台に取り出し 生地をひとまとめしてから 2〜4等分に分割します。
(薄い生地が好きな人は 4等分が良いです。ここでは4等分にしています)
3.表面がなめらかになるように丸め、濡れ布巾をかぶせて 15分休ませます。
4.アルミフォイルにオリーブ油を薄く塗り、その上に生地をのせ 手で直径25cmぐらいに
伸ばします。(伸びにくいときは 途中5分ほど休ませてから 伸ばすと良いです)
6.オーブントースター200℃ぐらいで 5分ぐらい焼きます。
バジルの葉40〜50g(あるいはバジルパウダー大3〜4)、松の実(あるいは クルミ、
マカデミアナッツ、カシューナッツ など)40g、パルメザンチーズ大3,アンチョビーペースト大2,
にんにく2かけ、オリーブオイル120ccをミキサーにかけ ペースト状にして
小分けにして ラップに包んで冷凍保存します。
How to make pizza dough to Pizza Margherita and to make Genovese sauce using dried basil
Pizza dough
1. Set 180cc water, 20g olive oil, 280g bread flour, 8g sugar, 4g salt, 8g skimmed milk,
3g dry yeast in a bread baking machine "pizza",
2. Put it on a bread floured table and make it a ball.
Cut it into 2 to 4 equal balls. (if you like thin dough, make it four equal pieces).
3. Make smooth balls and cover them with wet cloth. Let them sit for 15 mins.
4. Place olive oil on an aluminum foil and put a ball. Extend a ball into 25cm in diameter
by hands. (if it is hard to extend along way, let it sit for 5 mins. it will be easier to extend).
5. Spread ketchup and pesto sauce. Sprinkle shred cheese and Parmigiano.
Pour olive oil like drawing circles and put basil leaves (or sprinkle dried basil powder).
6. Bake at 200℃ oven for 15~18 mins.
Genovese sauce(pesto sauce)
Puree basil 40g~50g(or 3 to 4 tbsp dried basil powder), 40g pine nuts (or cashew nuts,
walnuts, macadamia nuts and so on), 3tbsp Parmesan cheese,
2tbsp anchovy paste, 2 cloves of garlic and 120cc olive oil with a blender.
Make it small portions and keep them in the freezer.
ポトフ Stew
昨日は すごい雨でしたね。被害が無かったことを願っています。
The rain was amazing, wasn't it. I hope every one is safe after the heavy rain.
**ポトフ Stew
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**三度豆の胡麻よごし Common beans with sesame paste
**ほうれん草のお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
新芽が出てきています♪ New leaves are beginning to sprout♪
I am happy that everyone has its sprout♪
ミント Mint
数年前、路上で引き抜いてたものです。 I picked it up on the street a few years ago.
つた Ivy
植木やさんで買い求め、もう30年近く 我が家で育ってくれています。
I bought it at a garden's store. It's been over 30 years at our house.
大葉 Prilla
We bought it the other day at a garden's store in front of the Iris garden.
木の芽 Leaf bud
先日、妹がくれました。 My sister gave it the other day.
I am happy that everyone has its sprout♪
ミント Mint
数年前、路上で引き抜いてたものです。 I picked it up on the street a few years ago.
つた Ivy
植木やさんで買い求め、もう30年近く 我が家で育ってくれています。
I bought it at a garden's store. It's been over 30 years at our house.
大葉 Prilla
We bought it the other day at a garden's store in front of the Iris garden.
木の芽 Leaf bud
先日、妹がくれました。 My sister gave it the other day.
ハマチのカルパッチョ Yellowtail carpaccio
It is raining.
These days I love the temperature. It is quite moderate. (Indoor temperature is about 25℃)
**ハマチのカルパッチョ Yellowtail carpaccio
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ A salad with chicken and various vegetables
**カニかまときゅうりの酢の物 Imitation crab and cucumber with sweetened vinegar
Stir-fried Manganji-temple green peppers and wienerwurst with garlic
**冷や奴 Cold tofu
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
麦秋至 Bakusyuu-Itaru
豚となすびの南蛮漬け Deep-fried pork and eggplant marinated in a spicy sauce
今日から 6月 です。 早いですね〜。
June starts today. Time flies.
**豚となすびの南蛮漬け Deep-fried pork and eggplant marinated in a spicy sauce
**大根の葉の佃煮風 Leaves of daikon boiled in soy sauce
**きゅうりとツナの和え物 Cucumber and canned tuna salad
**高野豆腐と椎茸の煮物 Freeze-dried tofu and shiitake mushrooms simmered in seasoned broth
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
水ようかん Mizu-Youkan(Soft red bean agar)
1.水250cc、粉寒天3g、塩ひとつまみ、砂糖20gを火にかけ 寒天が溶けるまで
混ぜたら、こしあん200gを加えて さらに混ぜ 火を通します。
2.火を止め 混ぜながら 粗熱を取り とろみが付いたら
水で濡らした容器に流しいれ 冷蔵庫で 冷やします。
1. Put 250cc water, 3g agar powder, a pinch of salt and 20g sugar in a pan.
Cook it stirring continually until the agar dissolved completely.
Then add 200g smooth bean paste and mix them together.
2. Remove from the heat and cool while stirring continually until thickened.
Pour it into a wet container and cool in the refrigerator.