野菜炒め Stir-fried meat and vegetables
体脂肪は 27ぐらいです♪
I've been 49-some kilograms in these days♪
Body fat is around 27♪
**野菜炒め Stir-fried meat and vegetables
**茄子と薄揚げの煮物 Simmered eggplants and thin deep-fried tofu
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**ポテトサラダ Potato salad
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ケンタッキーのフライドチキン風 Fried chicken, KFC style
"It is a fried chicken KFC style♪”
”Oh, really? Same♪”
**ケンタッキーのフライドチキン風 Fried chicken, KFC style
**カブの煮物 Simmered turnip
**ほうれん草のお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**カブの甘酢和え Turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
にぎり寿司 Hand‐rolled sushi
These sushi is made by my husband. Well done♪
**にぎり寿司と鉄火 Hand‐rolled sushi and tuna sushi roll
**鯛のアラの赤だし Dark-brown miso soup with sea bream skin-on meat
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**イカときゅうりの酢の物 Squid and cucumber with sweetened vinegar
Stir-fried Manganji-temple green peppers and wienerwurst with garlic
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
久しぶりの洋菓子♪ Western-style confectionary for the first time in a while♪
I baked a Gâteau au chocolat.(15cm round mold) for the first time in a while♪
15cm丸形 1台
サラダ油60mlも加えて レンジで 20秒。
取り出して 混ぜ 再びレンジにかけ 10秒、取り出して混ぜ、
を、チョコレートが溶けるまで 繰り返します。
2.1.に卵黄3個を 入れて なめらかになるまで 泡立器で混ぜます。
3.2.に振るった薄力粉45gを加え ヘラで ざっくり混ぜます。
4.別のボウルで卵白3個を 途中砂糖60gを3度ぐらい分けて 角が立つまで
泡立器で混ぜ メレンゲを作ります。
5.3.にメレンゲを3度ぐらい分けながら 合わせます。
7.15cm丸型にクッキングシートを敷き 流しいれます。
9.型から出し、ケーキが冷めてから クッキングシートをはがします。
10.粉砂糖を振りかけたり ホイップクリームを添えたりします。
Gâteau au chocolat. (15cm round mold)
1. Break off 150g bitter chocolate in a heat-proof bowl with 60ml salad oil.
Microwave for 20 sec and then mix it.
Microwave for 10 sec and then mix it again
Do it the same until the chocolate melts.
2. Add 3 egg yolks into 1. and mix them until smooth.
3. Add sifted 45g cake flour to 2. Use a rubber spatula in a cutting motion.
4. Whip 3 egg white to stiff-peak adding 60g sugar little by little (three times)
5. Add 4. to 3 little by little (three times)
6. Add 1tbsp rum if you like.
7. Place baking paper on a15cm round mold.
Pour the dough into it.
8. Bake at 170℃ for 30 to 35 mins.
9. Remove from the mold and let it cool.
Remove the baking paper.
10. Sprinkle powdered sugar and/or whipped cream.
挽肉と春雨とごぼうのオイスター炒め Stir-fried minced meat, vermicelli and burdock with oyster sauce
Stir-fried minced meat, vermicelli and burdock with oyster sauce
**カブの甘酢和え Turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**厚揚のチーズ焼き Grilled thick deep-fried tofu with cheese
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
竹笋生 Takenoko-Shouzu
酢豚 Sweet and sour pork
お米 Rice
鯛のあら炊き Simmered sea bream head and skin-on meat
**鯛のあら炊き Simmered sea bream head and skin-on meat
**薄揚げと小松菜の煮物 Boiled thin deep-fried tofu and Japanese mustard spinach
**日野菜の塩昆布和え Hinona (long-rooted turnips) and salted kelp salad
**役員会お土産のお寿司 Sushi set given by our neighborhood association meeting
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
**鯛のアラの赤だし Red (dark-brown) miso soup with bones of sea bream
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
チーズフォンデュ Cheese fondue
I had cheese fondue for the first time in a while, and it was delicious!
**チーズフォンデュ(2人分) Cheese fondue(for 2 people)
(sweet potato, potato, shiitake, broccoli, bacon, wienerwurst, tube-shaped fish paste cake)
**2種の大根の甘酢和え 2 kinds of daikon with sweetened vinegar
**茄子の味噌炒め Stir-fried eggplant with sweet miso paste
**セリと焼き薄揚げのお浸し Boiled dropwort and grilled thin deep-fried tofu in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.