酢豚ならぬ酢鶏 Sweet and sour chicken
**酢豚ならぬ酢鶏 Sweet and sour chicken
**茄子の揚げおろし煮 Fried eggplant in broth
**ササゲのゴマ和え Black-eyed peas dressed with sesame
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ベーコン、ウインナー、キャベツの煮物 Boiled bacon, wienerwurst and cabbage
Boiled bacon, wienerwurst and cabbage
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**モロヘイヤと大葉のお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow and green shiso in broth
**小松菜のとろろ昆布和え Japanese mustard spinach dressed with shaved kelp
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ココアういろう Sweet rice jelly with cocoa powder
2.ボウルに 小麦粉70g、かたくり粉30g、砂糖80g、純ココア大3
を入れ水250ccを少しずつ入れながら 泡立器でよく混ぜます。
3.1.の容器に流しいれ 軽くラップをかけ レンジ600wで 5〜6分加熱します。
4.固まったら 粗熱をとり 冷蔵庫で 20分ほど 冷やし固めます。
6.水で濡らした包丁で 切り分けます。
Sweet rice jelly with cocoa powder
1. Put a sheet of plastic wrap in a heat-proof container.
2. Mix 70g cake flour, 30g potato starch, 80g sugar and 3tbsp cocoa powder
in a bowl. Mix 250cc water little by little until all the lumps are gone.
3. Pour 2. into 1. and cover with plastic film softly and microwave it at 600w for 5mins to 6mins.
4. Let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator for about 20 mins.
6. Wet the blade of a knife and cut it.
カレイの煮付け Simmered flounder
長年(2009年1月から)使っていたTVが故障し 新しいTVの設置と
業者さんの手際の良いこと。。。♪ やっぱりプロです♪
Our old TV (from Jan, 2009) was broken and New TV came today.
A vender came to install a new TV and collected the old one.
The vender was very efficient and a professional person♪
**カレイの煮付け Simmered flounder
**ササゲのゴマ和え Black-eyed peas dressed with sesame
Cucumber and imitation crab sticks with sweetened vinegar
Avocado and tomato dressed with olive oil
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereal
**大根と薄揚げのお味噌汁 Miso soup with daikon and thin deep-fried tofu
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
業者さんの手際の良いこと。。。♪ やっぱりプロです♪
Our old TV (from Jan, 2009) was broken and New TV came today.
A vender came to install a new TV and collected the old one.
The vender was very efficient and a professional person♪
**カレイの煮付け Simmered flounder
**ササゲのゴマ和え Black-eyed peas dressed with sesame
Cucumber and imitation crab sticks with sweetened vinegar
Avocado and tomato dressed with olive oil
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereal
**大根と薄揚げのお味噌汁 Miso soup with daikon and thin deep-fried tofu
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
涼風至 Suzukaze-Itaru
立秋 Risshuu
豚肉と厚揚とゴーヤ(夫、栽培)の味噌炒め Stir-fried pork, thin deep-fried tofu and bitter melon my husband grew with miso
夫、栽培のゴーヤ 今までで一番大きい♪
My husband grows bitter melon. This one is the biggest he's ever grown!
**豚肉と厚揚と, 夫,栽培のゴーヤの味噌炒め
Stir-fried pork, thin deep-fried tofu and bitter melon my husband grew with miso
**加美白瓜(大阪産)の煮物 Boiled Kami-Shiouri(Osaka vegetables)
**加美白瓜とカニかまの酢の物 Kami-shirouri and imitation crab sticks with sweetened vinegar
**モロヘイヤと大葉のお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow and green shiso in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
夏祭り The summer community festival
小学校で 5日から6日です。
暑い中 一杯の人が参加♪
6日 夕方5時40分から7時20分まで ごみステーションのお手伝いをしてきました。
Summer festival at the elementary school district
for two days, from 5th to 6th.
A lot of people gathered there in this hot weather
I helped out with the garbage collection area on 6th.
校庭は人・人・人 School yard was full of people
ごみステーション garbage collection area
隣の「かき氷」部から差し入れ♪ shaved ice from the section next to us♪
小学校で 5日から6日です。
暑い中 一杯の人が参加♪
6日 夕方5時40分から7時20分まで ごみステーションのお手伝いをしてきました。
Summer festival at the elementary school district
for two days, from 5th to 6th.
A lot of people gathered there in this hot weather
I helped out with the garbage collection area on 6th.
校庭は人・人・人 School yard was full of people
ごみステーション garbage collection area
隣の「かき氷」部から差し入れ♪ shaved ice from the section next to us♪
たこ焼き Octopus balls
1年ぶりぐらいかなぁと思っていたら 2ヶ月前に食べていた。
I thought eating octopus balls was a year ago
but I had it only 2 months ago.
My sense of time is off。。。
**たこ焼き Octopus balls
Cucumber, daikon and carrot with sweetened vinegar
Stir-fried sweet green pepper and wienerwurst with garlic
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
I thought eating octopus balls was a year ago
but I had it only 2 months ago.
My sense of time is off。。。
**たこ焼き Octopus balls
Cucumber, daikon and carrot with sweetened vinegar
Stir-fried sweet green pepper and wienerwurst with garlic
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
抹茶ういろう Sweet rice jelly with powdered green tea
2.ボウルに 小麦粉70g、かたくり粉30g、砂糖70g、水300cc、抹茶10g
3.1.の容器に流しいれ 軽くラップをかけ レンジ600wで 5〜6分加熱します。
4.固まったら 粗熱をとり 冷蔵庫で 20分ほど 冷やし固めます。
6.水で濡らした包丁で 切り分けます。
Sweet rice jelly with powdered green tea
1. Put a sheet of plastic wrap in a heat-proof container.
2. Mix 70g cake flour, 30g potato starch, 70g sugar,300cc water and 10g powdered green tea
in a bowl until all the lumps are gone.
3. Pour 2. into 1. and cover with plastic film softly and microwave it at 600w for 5mins to 6mins.
4. Let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator for about 20 mins.
6. Wet the blade of a knife and cut it.