チーズ、ベーコン、ウインナー入り変わりお好み焼き Okonomiyaki pancake with cheese, bacon and wienerwurst
Unusual okonomiyaki pancake with cheese, bacon and wienerwurst
**サツマイモの煮物 Boiled sweet potato
**シシトウの炒め物 Stir-fried sweet peppers
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian mallow in broth
Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
シナモンロール Cinnamon rolls
をパン焼き器に 「パン生地」でセット。
2.取り出し ボールに入れ ラップをして 冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせます。
3.打ち粉をしたところに 2.を取り出し、軽く4つ折りにしてから丸めて、
20cmx30cmぐらいに伸ばし 練乳(またバターまたは両方)を適量塗ります。
多すぎると はみ出るので気を付けましょう。
4.砂糖大2にシナモン大1を混ぜたものを 振りかけます。
さらに 刻んだレーズンやナッツを振り入れてもよいです。
5.手前から 巻きます。巻き終わりをしっかりと閉じます。
7.取り出して 卵を表面に塗ります。
Cinnamon rolls (for a 23cm square tin)
1. Put 200g bread flour, 50g cake flour, 2tbsp sugar, 2tbsp condensed milk, 20g butter,
1/3tsp salt, 1.5tbsp skimmed milk, 140cc water, 1/2 beaten eggs, 2/3tsp dry yeast
in an automatic bread baking machine.
Set "bread dough"
2. Put it out and put it in a bowl and cover with plastic film. Let it sit for overnight in the refrigerator.
3. Take it out where it has been dusted. Fold it twice and then make it a ball.
Then roll out into a 20cm x 30cm rectangle.
Spread condensed milk(or butter or both if you wish) over it.(do not spread it too much)
4. Sprinkle 2tbsp sugar+1tbsp cinnamon powder over it.
You can sprinkle chopped nuts(such as almonds, walnuts and raisins)
5. Roll it from the front to the back and seal the end.
Cut it into 9 equal parts.
6. Place a baking paper on a 23cm square tin and put 5. on a baking sheet.
Let the dough rise in 40℃ for 35mins until it doubles in size.
7. Take it out and brush beaten egg on the top of them.
8. Bake at 170℃ for 25 mins.
9. Icing (powdered sugar and condensed milk) on top.
をパン焼き器に 「パン生地」でセット。
2.取り出し ボールに入れ ラップをして 冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせます。
3.打ち粉をしたところに 2.を取り出し、軽く4つ折りにしてから丸めて、
20cmx30cmぐらいに伸ばし 練乳(またバターまたは両方)を適量塗ります。
多すぎると はみ出るので気を付けましょう。
4.砂糖大2にシナモン大1を混ぜたものを 振りかけます。
さらに 刻んだレーズンやナッツを振り入れてもよいです。
5.手前から 巻きます。巻き終わりをしっかりと閉じます。
7.取り出して 卵を表面に塗ります。
Cinnamon rolls (for a 23cm square tin)
1. Put 200g bread flour, 50g cake flour, 2tbsp sugar, 2tbsp condensed milk, 20g butter,
1/3tsp salt, 1.5tbsp skimmed milk, 140cc water, 1/2 beaten eggs, 2/3tsp dry yeast
in an automatic bread baking machine.
Set "bread dough"
2. Put it out and put it in a bowl and cover with plastic film. Let it sit for overnight in the refrigerator.
3. Take it out where it has been dusted. Fold it twice and then make it a ball.
Then roll out into a 20cm x 30cm rectangle.
Spread condensed milk(or butter or both if you wish) over it.(do not spread it too much)
4. Sprinkle 2tbsp sugar+1tbsp cinnamon powder over it.
You can sprinkle chopped nuts(such as almonds, walnuts and raisins)
5. Roll it from the front to the back and seal the end.
Cut it into 9 equal parts.
6. Place a baking paper on a 23cm square tin and put 5. on a baking sheet.
Let the dough rise in 40℃ for 35mins until it doubles in size.
7. Take it out and brush beaten egg on the top of them.
8. Bake at 170℃ for 25 mins.
9. Icing (powdered sugar and condensed milk) on top.
サツマイモご飯 Satsumaimo-Gohan(steamed rice with sweet potatoes)
I ate up everything but,
I would be satisfied only with Satsumaimo-Gohan, pickles and miso soup♪
**サツマイモご飯 Satsumaimo-Gohan (steamed rice with sweet potatoes)
Pork miso soup with sweet potatoes and Japanese ginger
Homemade pickled vegetables in miso paste and yogurt
**ブリの南蛮漬け Marinated deep-fried yellowtail
**オクラとモロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled okra and Jew's mallow in broth
**小松菜の昆布酢和え Japanese mustard spinach dressed with kelp and vinegar
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
草露白 Kusa-no-Tsuyu-Shiroshi
大収穫(笑) Big harvest(lol)
今までに無い 収穫 です♪
They are too small.
But it is the highest amount so far.
そのゴーヤ(と 市販のゴーヤも加えて) with the bitter melon and store-bought one
**ゴーヤチャンプル Stir-fried bitter melon with pork and vegetables
**生ハムイチジク prosciutto and fig
Wax gourd and Japanese ginger with sweetened vinegar
**冬瓜の煮物 Boiled wax gourd
**水菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled potherb mustard and thin deep-fried tofu
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
きつねうどん Udon noodle with deep-fried tofu
**きつねうどん Udon noodle with deep-fried tofu
**小松菜のお浸し Boiled Japanese mustard spinach in broth
**オクラとモロヘイヤのお浸し Okra and Jew's mallow in broth
**蒸しサツマイモ Steamed sweet potato
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
サツマイモ蒸しパン Steamed bun of sweet potato
先日 スーパーで 1個1kgほどあるさつまいもが 150円でした。
スイートポテトを作り この蒸しパンを2度作り、まだ3分の1ほど残っています♪
about 1kg sweet potato was only Y150.- at the supermarket.
I bought 2 potatoes.
I made sweet potato cakes, and make steamed bun of sweet potato twice and still have one/third of it♪
I have one whole potato.♪
2.ボウルに 玉子1個、砂糖30g、牛乳100cc、サラダ油大2を入れ
3.HM150g(または 薄力粉120+砂糖26g+BP4g)を加え さっくり混ぜます。
4.アルミカップなどに入れ 上から 1.を散らし 蒸し器で15分蒸します。
Steamed bun of sweet potato (6 buns)
1. Wash 120g sweet potato skin well. then cut into 1cm cubes.
Put them in a heat-proof container and cover with plastic film.
Microwave for 2 and a half mins.
2. Mix 1 egg, 30g sugar, 100cc milk and 2tbsp vegetable oil well.
3. Add 150g pancake mix (or 120g plain flour+26g sugar+4g baking power) and mix it lightly.
4. Pour into small containers and sprinkle 1. over them.
Steam for 15 mins.
写真の取り忘れ I forgot to take the photo.
ブログにアップしようと パソコンを見たら、入ってなかった。
午後から 小学校に行き 5年生の家庭科のミシンの授業の補助をしてきました。
先生一人では クラスを見られないので 10人ほどで見守り。
Chatting with my husband, I forgot to take photo.
After lunch, I went to the elementary school to help the 5th grade's domestic science class.
using sawing machine.
We, 10 members(adults), watched pupils to make sure that they don't injure themselves
by the sewing machine.
**ニラまんじゅう(皮も手作り) Pan fried chive dumpling (with handmade skins)
**冬瓜の煮物 Boiled wax gourd
Cucumber and tomato dressed with olive oil
**茄子のBBQソース炒め Stir-fried eggplant with BBQ sauce
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem with miso and vinegar
ニラまんじゅう、上手に作っていたのに、写真が無いのは 残念です。
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
It's a shame that I didn't take a photo that my husband made pan fried chive dumpling well.