I'm really starting to feel the arrival of spring with the warm weather.
**エビチリ Shrimp with chili sauce
**カボチャのバター醤油焼き Grilled Japanese pumpkin with butter and soy sauce
**大根の葉と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled leaves of daikon and satsuma-age
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**ワカメの中華スープ Chinese soup with wakame
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
黄鶯睍v Kouou-Kenkan-su
キャベツ、豚肉、ベーコンのシチュー Cabbage, pork and bacon stew
シチューの豚肉は 塩麹で下味をつけているそうで 柔らかくて 美味しかったです。
The pork in the stew was tender and delicious because it was seasoned with salt-marinated rice malt.
**キャベツ、豚肉、ベーコンのシチュー Cabbage, pork and bacon stew
**レンコンの唐揚げ Fried lotus roots
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**納豆、大葉、大根おろし Natto, green perilla and grated daikon
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
図書館に予約していた本が 3冊も 一度に届き 取りに行きました。
なおかつ あと1冊も 届いているとメールが来ました。
I went get three books which I had reserved at the library.
I received an mail which says another book is here in the library.
Wow... I keep reading books...(lol)
**サバの味噌煮 Simmered mackerel with miso
**大根の葉と竹輪の煮物 Boiled leaves of daikon and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**アボカドとカニかまのマヨ和え Avocado and imitation crab meat dressed with mayonnaise
**赤カブの甘酢和え Red turnip with sweetened vinegar
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you
なおかつ あと1冊も 届いているとメールが来ました。
I went get three books which I had reserved at the library.
I received an mail which says another book is here in the library.
Wow... I keep reading books...(lol)
**サバの味噌煮 Simmered mackerel with miso
**大根の葉と竹輪の煮物 Boiled leaves of daikon and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**アボカドとカニかまのマヨ和え Avocado and imitation crab meat dressed with mayonnaise
**赤カブの甘酢和え Red turnip with sweetened vinegar
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you
鍋焼うどん Udon noodle hot pot
In cold day, we can enjoy Udon Noodle Hot Pot..
**鍋焼うどん Udon noodle hot pot
**白菜の梅肉和え Chinese cabbage dressed with pickled plum paste
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**豚肉とピーマンの焼き肉のたれ炒め Stir-fried pork and green peppers with yakiniku sauce
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
揚げ餅(かき餅) Deep-fried mochi
先日スーパーで パックの丸餅と角餅(両方とも 賞味期限25年4月)を買って
丸餅は 来年用に保存し、角餅をスライサーでスライスして 網にのせ 干して
油で揚げ 塩を少し振りました。
I bought round shaped and square shaped mochi (both are best by May, 2025).
Kept round one for next new year and made deep-fried mochi snacks of square one.
Slice the square mochi and dry for a few days.
Then deep fry. Sprinkle a little salt.
カレイの唐揚げ Deep-fried righteye flounder
小さいカレイは揚げやすいので どこもよく揚がっていました。
真ん中の太い骨以外は カリカリで美味しかった♪
It was easy to deep-fry the small righteye flounder.
I could eat mostly except the middle thick bone.
It was crispy and delicious♪
**カレイの唐揚げ Deep-fried righteye flounder
**里芋の煮っ転がし Simmered taro with sweet soy sauce
Stir-fried Japanese mustard spinach and pork with yakiniku sauce
**水菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled pot herb mustard and thin deep-fried tofu
**トマトときゅうりのサラダ Tomato and cucumber salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
真ん中の太い骨以外は カリカリで美味しかった♪
It was easy to deep-fry the small righteye flounder.
I could eat mostly except the middle thick bone.
It was crispy and delicious♪
**カレイの唐揚げ Deep-fried righteye flounder
**里芋の煮っ転がし Simmered taro with sweet soy sauce
Stir-fried Japanese mustard spinach and pork with yakiniku sauce
**水菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled pot herb mustard and thin deep-fried tofu
**トマトときゅうりのサラダ Tomato and cucumber salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
焼き肉♪ Yakiniku♪
ずっと、焼き肉屋さんに行きたいと言っていましたが、歯が弱い夫は 「固そうやなぁ」と
先日 新しいスーパーまで足を運んで(バスと地下鉄に乗って) 美味しそうなお肉を見つけ、
お店で食べるよりも 数段安く なおかつすごく美味しい♪
We've been wanting to eat Yakiniku and planning to go to the restaurant but my husband
cannot bite hard things and if the meat is hard....he was hesitant...
The other day my husband and I went to a new supermarket (by bus and subway)
and found some delicious-looking meat.
We bought it without any comments.
It was much cheaper and delicious than eating at a restaurant♪
We made some good buys♪
Yakiniku with homemade-sauce and grated daikon with ponzu
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**野菜スティック Vegetables sticks
**赤カブの塩麹漬け Red turnip marinated in salt "koji" yeast
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.