魚上氷 Uo-Koori-wo-Haizuru
2月14日 から 2月18日 ごろ。
割れた氷の間から 魚が飛び出る。
Around February 14 to February 18.
Early Spring
Fish emerge from the ice.
焼きサバソーメン Somen with grilled mackerel
美味しい食事で 体の栄養をいただいて。。。
本を読んで 心の栄養をいただいて。。。
Foods give us enough nourishment to my body...
Reading books gives us enough nourishment to my soul.
I am happy ♪
**焼きサバソーメン Somen with grilled mackerel
**ホウレンソウのお浸しと長芋 Boiled spinach with broth and Chinese yam
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**水菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled potherb mustard and thin deep-fried tofu
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
牛肉、ごぼう、糸こんにゃくの炒め物 Stir-fried beef, burdock and konnyaku noodles
朝から のんびりしています♪
牛肉とごぼうの組み合わせ 好きです♪
I'm taking it easy♪
I love the dish with beef and burdock♪
Stir-fried beef, burdock and konnyaku noodles
Stir-fried pork and cabbage with yakiniku-sauce
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
White radish sprouts, grated daikon and imitation crab meat with ponzu
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
鶏と白菜の味噌煮込み Stewed chicken and Chinese cabbage with miso
味噌煮込みの 白菜とカボチャは 溶けてしまっています。 それが美味しい♪
Chinese cabbage and Japanese pumpkin have all turned to pulp because
my husband boiled them too long. But that is very good♪
**鶏と白菜の味噌煮込み Stewed chicken and Chinese cabbage with miso
**小松菜と豚肉のオイスター炒め Stir-fried Japanese mustard spinach and pork with oyster sauce
**里芋の唐揚げ Fried taro
**カニかまときゅうりの酢の物 Crab meat and cucumber with sweetened vinegar
**ほうれん草のお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
Chinese cabbage and Japanese pumpkin have all turned to pulp because
my husband boiled them too long. But that is very good♪
**鶏と白菜の味噌煮込み Stewed chicken and Chinese cabbage with miso
**小松菜と豚肉のオイスター炒め Stir-fried Japanese mustard spinach and pork with oyster sauce
**里芋の唐揚げ Fried taro
**カニかまときゅうりの酢の物 Crab meat and cucumber with sweetened vinegar
**ほうれん草のお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ブラウニー Brownie
Familiar cake and recipe♪
18cm(20cm)スクエアー型 1台分
2.チョコレートが溶けたら 卵3個を混ぜ、砂糖40gを加えて混ぜます。
3.薄力粉70gを加えて さっくり合わせ 刻んだクルミ適量を加えて 混ぜ合わせます。
4.ベーキングシートを敷いた型に入れ クルミを散らし(しなくてもよいです)
for a 18cm (20cm)-square tin
1. Microwave 200g chocolate and 100g butter for 1min and a half.
2. Melt the chocolate and then add 3 beaten eggs and 40g sugar. Mix them together.
3. Add 70g cake flour and mix lightly.
add chopped walnuts and mix them together.
4. Put a baking sheet on a tin and pour 3. Sprinkle chopped walnuts if you like.
Bake at 180℃ for 20mins to 25 mins.
5. Cut it to the proper size.
Familiar cake and recipe♪
18cm(20cm)スクエアー型 1台分
2.チョコレートが溶けたら 卵3個を混ぜ、砂糖40gを加えて混ぜます。
3.薄力粉70gを加えて さっくり合わせ 刻んだクルミ適量を加えて 混ぜ合わせます。
4.ベーキングシートを敷いた型に入れ クルミを散らし(しなくてもよいです)
for a 18cm (20cm)-square tin
1. Microwave 200g chocolate and 100g butter for 1min and a half.
2. Melt the chocolate and then add 3 beaten eggs and 40g sugar. Mix them together.
3. Add 70g cake flour and mix lightly.
add chopped walnuts and mix them together.
4. Put a baking sheet on a tin and pour 3. Sprinkle chopped walnuts if you like.
Bake at 180℃ for 20mins to 25 mins.
5. Cut it to the proper size.
キャラメライズド・パイナップル・パイ Caramelized Pineapple Pies
レイチェルさんの番組で見て 縁がかわいかったので 少し変えて 作って見ました。
でも、かわいい縁取りは 手間がかかったので2個だけにし 残りは縁飾り無しで作りました♪
The cake was featured on Rachel's show on TV.
The edge was cute. But it takes time and effort. So I made the rest easy♪
縁にスカラップ、かわいい♪でも手間がかかる。 簡単♪ 私向き♪
1.パイナップルスライスに砂糖をまぶし フライパンで両面焼きます(キャラメライズド)。
2.パイ生地(約10cm四方)にパイナップル1きれをのせ その周りに溶き卵を塗り
上からパイ生地をかぶせ 縁を押さえて接着させます。
3.ペットボトルの蓋で 縁をくりぬき、真ん中に十字に切り込みをいれ、その周りに
4.焼く前に 一度冷蔵庫に入れて 冷やします。
5.砂糖と水を煮詰めて シナモンパウダーを入れ そのシナモン液を表面に塗ります。
1. Cover sliced pineapples with sugar and bake in a frying pan(caramelized).
Let them cool down.
2. Put a caramelized pineapple on about 10cm sq. pie pastry
Brush the edge with beaten egg and put another about 10cm sq. pie pastry.
Press the edge.
3. Cut off the edge with a cap of a bottle.
Make a cut in the center of the cake and decorate with some lines around the cut.
Then brush the top with beaten egg.
4. Cool them in the refrigerator before bake them.
Bake at 200℃ for 20mins to 25 mins..
5. Make cinnamon water with boiling water with sugar and add cinnamon powder.
Brush it on the top.