腐草為蛍 Karetaru-Kusa-Hotaru-to-Naru
ホタル袋 bellflower
『花に螢を入れて その明かりが外へ透けて見える、ところから提灯(ちょうちん)、
また、提灯(ちょうちん)の古名を 「火垂(ほたる)」といい、
その提灯に似ているので 「ほたる」、それが 「蛍」になった』
『 』hana300.com さんより 抜粋
6月10日 から 6月15日 ごろ。
腐った草が蒸れ 螢となる。
Around June 10 to June 15.
Rotten grass becomes fireflies.
にぎり寿司 Nigirizushi
中トロ入り寿司ネタを買ってきて にぎり寿司に。 中トロ、美味しすぎる〜〜〜♪♡♡♡
I bought sashime set which includes medium-fatty tuna for nigirizushi. So good♪
**中トロ入りにぎり寿司 Nigirizushi with medium-fatty tuna
**赤だし Dark-brown miso soup
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製水茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled eggplant (this eggplant can be eaten raw)
**ほうれん草と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**白菜の梅和え Chinese cabbages dressed with pickled plum
Salad with broccoli and tomatoes
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
I bought sashime set which includes medium-fatty tuna for nigirizushi. So good♪
**中トロ入りにぎり寿司 Nigirizushi with medium-fatty tuna
**赤だし Dark-brown miso soup
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製水茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled eggplant (this eggplant can be eaten raw)
**ほうれん草と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**白菜の梅和え Chinese cabbages dressed with pickled plum
Salad with broccoli and tomatoes
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
妹から I got these from my sister
酢豚 Sweet and sour pork
シロツメ草 この上に寝そべりたい♪ white clover I'd like to lie down on the grass♪
**酢豚 Sweet and sour pork
Stir-fried green peppers and wienerwurst with garlic
**切り干し大根の煮物 Simmered
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Salad with various kinds of vegetables with homemade black sesame dressing
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
青椒肉絲 Stir-fried shredded beef and green pepper
**青椒肉絲 Stir-fried shredded beef and green pepper
Boiled daikon leaves and Satsuma-age
**二十日大根の酢の物 Radish with sweetened vinegar
Boiled shimeji mushrooms and spinach in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
**豚汁 Miso soup with pork
Japanese pickles(eggplants and cucumbers are homemad)
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
京都 Kyoto
世界遺産 宇治上神社
Ujikamijinja, World Cultural Heritage
日本最古の神社建築 Japan's oldest architectural style It is said that it was built in 1060.
現存する唯一の宇治七名水>桐原水 famous spring
At the foot of the Asagiri bridge, there is a monument of the Tale of Genji
世界遺産 平等院
→World Heritage Byodoin
電車の待ち時間の間に ランチ 宇治駅近くの 回転寿司屋さんに入りました。
私はセットメニュー 夫は単品で。
We had lunch near Uji station while we were waiting for a train.
三室戸寺 Mimurotoji
このすごい階段を上りました。 I went up these long stairs.
夫は下で待っていました。 My husband were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs
狛蛇 宇賀神 guardian snake
なでると健康長寿 金運 などがあるそうです。
狛牛 開運の牛 guardian cow
狛兎 福徳兎 guardian rabbit
三室戸寺はあじさい寺として有名です。 Mimurotoji is famous for hydrangea temple.
京阪で人身事故があり 昼頃帰宅の予定が 夕方になりました。
The train stopped for two hours due to an accident.
京阪 中書島駅の掲示
17,600歩 歩いてました。
途中水分一杯取りながらだったし、見学箇所も 減らしたので 足は痛くなりませんでした。
I walked 17,600 steps.
We took water while walking so we didn't have a pain on our legs.
チキンカツ、タルタルソース添え Fried chicken with tartar sauce
チキンは 塩麹に漬けていたらしく パサパサしてなくて 美味しかったです。
「もうひと努力」 は いつの時にも 必要!(といつも自分に言い聞かせています)
The chicken was marinated in salt "koji" yeast and it wasn't dry but delicious.
A touch of care makes much difference.
"Keep it up just a bit longer!" I always tell myself.
**チキンカツ、タルタルソース添え Fried chicken with tartar sauce
**玉ねぎのレンジ蒸し Microwaved onion
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製水茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled eggplant
**アサリとベーコン入りの炊き込みご飯 Rice with clam and bacon
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**味噌汁 Miso soup
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
「もうひと努力」 は いつの時にも 必要!(といつも自分に言い聞かせています)
The chicken was marinated in salt "koji" yeast and it wasn't dry but delicious.
A touch of care makes much difference.
"Keep it up just a bit longer!" I always tell myself.
**チキンカツ、タルタルソース添え Fried chicken with tartar sauce
**玉ねぎのレンジ蒸し Microwaved onion
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製水茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled eggplant
**アサリとベーコン入りの炊き込みご飯 Rice with clam and bacon
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**味噌汁 Miso soup
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.