はまちと大根の煮物 Simmered young yellowtail and daikon
**はまちと大根の煮物 Simmered young yellowtail and daikon
**ウリの酢の物 Gourd dressed with sweetened vinegar
**鮭の白子の煮物 Boiled salmon milt
Stir-fried sweet potatoes and sweet potato stems
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
絵本読み聞かせ Read aloud picture book
チキン南蛮 Fried Chicken with Tartar Sauce
昨日(26日)午後、あまりにも暑いので(室温30℃) またクーラーつけました。
Room temperature was 30℃ last afternoon(26th)
I put the air conditioner again.
**チキン南蛮 Fried Chicken with Tartar Sauce
Stir-fried wienerwurst and asparagus with garlic
**ポテトサラダ Potato salad
Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**酢れんこ Lotus root pickled in sweet vinegar
Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
Room temperature was 30℃ last afternoon(26th)
I put the air conditioner again.
**チキン南蛮 Fried Chicken with Tartar Sauce
Stir-fried wienerwurst and asparagus with garlic
**ポテトサラダ Potato salad
Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**酢れんこ Lotus root pickled in sweet vinegar
Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
すっかり秋めいてきました♪ It feels like Autumn is coming♪
秋の空ですね。 Clear Autumn Sky.
**鮭の白子 Salmon milt
Butter sautéed cod, served with carrots and spinach
Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**冷や奴 Chilled tofu
**冬瓜と竹輪の煮物 Boiled wax gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**具だくさん味噌汁 Miso soup with lots of ingredients
**悪魔のおにぎり Addictive rice balls
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
**鮭の白子 Salmon milt
Butter sautéed cod, served with carrots and spinach
Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**冷や奴 Chilled tofu
**冬瓜と竹輪の煮物 Boiled wax gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**具だくさん味噌汁 Miso soup with lots of ingredients
**悪魔のおにぎり Addictive rice balls
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ウインナーとざく切り野菜のポトフ Stewed wienerwurst and vegetables
Stewed wienerwurst and vegetables
**万願寺唐辛子の炒め物 Stir-fried Manganji-temple sweet peppers
Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**しろ菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled bok choy hybrid and thin deep-fried tofu
Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
葡萄ジュース Grape juice
ネット検索して 作りました♪
お菓子を作るために 葡萄(ピオーネ)の皮をむきました。 皮の部分も美味しいので捨てるのは
持ったいなく 皮でジュースを作りました。
冷めてから ザルで濾します。
I searched on the internet and make grape juice with skins of grapes.
Simmer 80g skins of grapes(pione), 80g sugar, 500cc water and 1tsp lemon juice on low heat
for 10 mins.
Let it cool down then drain.
Dilute it with soda water or water.
お菓子を作るために 葡萄(ピオーネ)の皮をむきました。 皮の部分も美味しいので捨てるのは
持ったいなく 皮でジュースを作りました。
冷めてから ザルで濾します。
I searched on the internet and make grape juice with skins of grapes.
Simmer 80g skins of grapes(pione), 80g sugar, 500cc water and 1tsp lemon juice on low heat
for 10 mins.
Let it cool down then drain.
Dilute it with soda water or water.
クーラーを消しました♪ We turned off the air conditioner♪
今朝(23日)、やっと クーラーを 消しました。 自然の空気は 心地よいです。
We finally turned off the air conditioner this morning.
Fresh air is good.
**鰤の照り焼き Grilled teriyaki flavored yellowtail
Stir-fried sweet potatoes and sweet potato stems
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem dressed with miso and vinegar
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
**赤だし Red (dark brown) miso soup
**栗ごはん Chestnut rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
We finally turned off the air conditioner this morning.
Fresh air is good.
**鰤の照り焼き Grilled teriyaki flavored yellowtail
Stir-fried sweet potatoes and sweet potato stems
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem dressed with miso and vinegar
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
**赤だし Red (dark brown) miso soup
**栗ごはん Chestnut rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
クリームパン Custard cream buns
昨日作ったパブロバで余った 卵黄3個 で カスタードクリームを作りました。
1.耐熱ボウルに 卵黄3個、牛乳 300cc(または水+スキムミルク大6=300cc、
砂糖大6,薄力粉大2を よく混ぜ、
レンジ600wで3分、 取り出し 泡立器で混ぜてから、 1分30秒 かけ、
取り出し また 泡立器で よく混ぜ、もう一度 1分30秒かけて、泡立器で混ぜ
バットに 広げて ラップをかけて 冷蔵庫で 冷やします。
クリームパン (12個)
1.強力粉 280g、 塩 小1, 砂糖 大2, 卵 30g、 バター 50g、
水 150cc、 ドライイースト 小1 を パン焼き器 「パン生地」でスタート。
2.12等分にして 丸め ラップをして 濡れ布巾をかぶせ 15分 ベンチタイム。
3.カスタードを 12等分します。
4.生地を 10cmぐらいの 楕円形に伸ばします。
5.カスタードクリームをのせ 半分に折り しっかり閉じます。
6.スケッパーなどで 切り目を 5カ所ぐらい 入れます。
7.天板にクッキングシートを敷き 並べます。
8.オーブン 40℃ で 40分 2次発酵。
9.照り用の溶き卵を塗り、180℃で 13分 焼きます。
There are 3 egg yolks left from Pavlova
What shall I make with them?
I made custard cream.
1. Put 3egg yolks, 300cc milk, 6tbsp sugar, 2tbsp cake flour in a heat-proof bowl.
Mix them well.
Microwave it for 3 mins. Remove it from the oven and mix well with a whisk.
Microwave it again for 1 min and a half then remove it from the oven and mix well with a whisk.
and do it again.
Mix well with a whisk to make custard cream.
Spread it on a cooking vat and cover it with a plastic film. Cool it in the refrigerator.
Custard cream buns (for 12 buns)
1. Put 280g bread flour, 1tsp salt, 2tbsp sugar, 30g beaten eggs, 50g butter, 150cc water
and 1tsp dry yeast in a bread baking machine. Set it "DOUGH".
2. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces and make them into balls.
Cover with a damp cloth for 15 mins.
3. Divide the custard cream into 12 equal pieces.
4. Flatten a dough ball into an oval.
5. Put a cream ball. Fold it in half and pinch the ends.
6. Make about 5 cuts with a scraper.
7. Spread a baking paper on a baking sheet and put them on it.
8. Let the dough rise as a second rising for 40 mins. at 40℃.
9. Spread beaten egg on them. and bake at 180℃ for 13 mins.
1.耐熱ボウルに 卵黄3個、牛乳 300cc(または水+スキムミルク大6=300cc、
砂糖大6,薄力粉大2を よく混ぜ、
レンジ600wで3分、 取り出し 泡立器で混ぜてから、 1分30秒 かけ、
取り出し また 泡立器で よく混ぜ、もう一度 1分30秒かけて、泡立器で混ぜ
バットに 広げて ラップをかけて 冷蔵庫で 冷やします。
クリームパン (12個)
1.強力粉 280g、 塩 小1, 砂糖 大2, 卵 30g、 バター 50g、
水 150cc、 ドライイースト 小1 を パン焼き器 「パン生地」でスタート。
2.12等分にして 丸め ラップをして 濡れ布巾をかぶせ 15分 ベンチタイム。
3.カスタードを 12等分します。
4.生地を 10cmぐらいの 楕円形に伸ばします。
5.カスタードクリームをのせ 半分に折り しっかり閉じます。
6.スケッパーなどで 切り目を 5カ所ぐらい 入れます。
7.天板にクッキングシートを敷き 並べます。
8.オーブン 40℃ で 40分 2次発酵。
9.照り用の溶き卵を塗り、180℃で 13分 焼きます。
There are 3 egg yolks left from Pavlova
What shall I make with them?
I made custard cream.
1. Put 3egg yolks, 300cc milk, 6tbsp sugar, 2tbsp cake flour in a heat-proof bowl.
Mix them well.
Microwave it for 3 mins. Remove it from the oven and mix well with a whisk.
Microwave it again for 1 min and a half then remove it from the oven and mix well with a whisk.
and do it again.
Mix well with a whisk to make custard cream.
Spread it on a cooking vat and cover it with a plastic film. Cool it in the refrigerator.
Custard cream buns (for 12 buns)
1. Put 280g bread flour, 1tsp salt, 2tbsp sugar, 30g beaten eggs, 50g butter, 150cc water
and 1tsp dry yeast in a bread baking machine. Set it "DOUGH".
2. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces and make them into balls.
Cover with a damp cloth for 15 mins.
3. Divide the custard cream into 12 equal pieces.
4. Flatten a dough ball into an oval.
5. Put a cream ball. Fold it in half and pinch the ends.
6. Make about 5 cuts with a scraper.
7. Spread a baking paper on a baking sheet and put them on it.
8. Let the dough rise as a second rising for 40 mins. at 40℃.
9. Spread beaten egg on them. and bake at 180℃ for 13 mins.