サイズは調整しないで 適当にひっつけて 作ったら
その無骨さが とてもよい♪
These pie sheets are produced from two manufactures.
I didn't adjust the sheets and crimp the pie crust with a fork.
It became a rugged shape.
But I like the shape very much♪
1.林檎2個は 皮と芯を取り いちょう切りにして (約500g)
その1割の重さの砂糖を加えて混ぜ ラップをして レンジで 4〜5分加熱します。
2.汁をこし 冷まし シナモンパウダーを振り混ぜておきます。
(汁は薄めて 飲むと美味しいです。)
1枚は 約10cm四方ぐらい。
4.パイシートに林檎を載せ 切り込みを入れた方を上におき、縁をフォークで押さえます。
5.溶き卵を 上に塗ります。
6.オーブン200℃で 25分から 30分 焼きます。
1. Peel 2 apples, remove the cores and cut into rectangle slices.
Weigh it( it was about 500g) and add sugar10% of it.
Put plastic film on the the bowl and microwave for 4 to 5 mins.
2. Drain it and let it cool down. Then mix cinnamon powder.
3. Cut a pie sheet into 4 sheets. (it will be about 11cm x 10cm and 8 sheets)
Make some cuts in 4 sheets (they will be the top)
4. Put 2. on four pie sheets and cover with another pie sheets
Seal edge by pressing with tines of folk.
5. Brush the top with beaten egg.
6. Bake at 200℃ for 25 to 30 mins.
大根と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon and Satsuma-age
これから 昼が長くなり 暖かくなっていきますが、
The days are getting longer and warmer little by little.
But it is the coldest day in Osaka.
Be careful not to catch a cold.
**大根と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon and Satsuma-age
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Broccoli and purple cauliflower dressed with mayonnaise
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
これから 昼が長くなり 暖かくなっていきますが、
The days are getting longer and warmer little by little.
But it is the coldest day in Osaka.
Be careful not to catch a cold.
**大根と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon and Satsuma-age
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Broccoli and purple cauliflower dressed with mayonnaise
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.