水泉動 Shimizu-Atataka-wo-Fukumu
1月11日 から 1月15日 ごろ。
Around January 11 to January 15.
Late Winter
Springs thaw.
異常なしでした No abnormalities.
夫の大腸検査は まったく異常なしでした。
泌尿器科の結果も 異常なしでした。 念のため 皮膚を細胞を見てみようかと。
夫、食欲がもどりました♪ 私も♪
Colon examination showed no abnormalities.
urological examination revealed no abnormalities too, but just in case,
will have some skin test.
His appetites back♪ Me, too♪
Stir-fried pork and Chinese cabbage with oyster sauce
Grilled taro with butter and lemon
**赤カブの葉と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled leaves of red turnip and thin deep-fried tofu
Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**春菊のサラダ Edible chrysanthemum salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
スーパーで購入 I bought them at the supermarket.
食事制限 on a diet
夫は 8日 昼から 9日 昼まで 食事制限です。
私は 「何か お弁当買ってくるわ」と言ったら、
「何か作ってあげるよ。材料一杯あるし 使わなあかんから。」と夫。
確かに 冷凍庫パンパンに食材あります。
My husband has to on a diet for having a colonoscopy from 8th afternoon
to 9th noon.
So I said, "I am going to buy some lunch boxes for myself".
my husband said "I will make something for you. there are a lot of ingredients
and I have to use some of them".
It is true that there are so many ingredients in our freezer.
夫、先日 濁った尿が出てから 痛みが無くなり 元気になっています♪
自分用には 白かゆ。
My husband is fine now after cloudy urine came out the other day and
he hasn't had any pain since then.
My husband made me feast♪
He made rice porridge for himself.
**豚のスペアーリブの甘辛煮 Pork spare ribs with salty-sweet sauce
**青梗菜と牛肉の炒め物 Stir-fried bok choy and beef
**薄揚げと小松菜の煮物 Boiled thin deep-fried tofu and Japanese mustard spinach
**赤大根の甘酢和え Red daikon with sweetened vinegar
**ブロッコリーとゆで卵のサラダ Broccoli and boiled eggs salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
私は 「何か お弁当買ってくるわ」と言ったら、
「何か作ってあげるよ。材料一杯あるし 使わなあかんから。」と夫。
確かに 冷凍庫パンパンに食材あります。
My husband has to on a diet for having a colonoscopy from 8th afternoon
to 9th noon.
So I said, "I am going to buy some lunch boxes for myself".
my husband said "I will make something for you. there are a lot of ingredients
and I have to use some of them".
It is true that there are so many ingredients in our freezer.
夫、先日 濁った尿が出てから 痛みが無くなり 元気になっています♪
自分用には 白かゆ。
My husband is fine now after cloudy urine came out the other day and
he hasn't had any pain since then.
My husband made me feast♪
He made rice porridge for himself.
**豚のスペアーリブの甘辛煮 Pork spare ribs with salty-sweet sauce
**青梗菜と牛肉の炒め物 Stir-fried bok choy and beef
**薄揚げと小松菜の煮物 Boiled thin deep-fried tofu and Japanese mustard spinach
**赤大根の甘酢和え Red daikon with sweetened vinegar
**ブロッコリーとゆで卵のサラダ Broccoli and boiled eggs salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
昔ながらの。。。 Old-fashioned...
These everyday, old-fashioned meals are delicious♪
**ホッケの塩焼き Salt-grilled Atka mackerel
**こんにゃくと椎茸の煮物 Boiled konjak and shiitake mushrooms
**キャベツとトレビスのマヨ和え Cabbage and Italian chicory with mayonnaise
**きゅうりとカニかまの酢の物 Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables with chicken
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**十六穀米入りごはん Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
These everyday, old-fashioned meals are delicious♪
**ホッケの塩焼き Salt-grilled Atka mackerel
**こんにゃくと椎茸の煮物 Boiled konjak and shiitake mushrooms
**キャベツとトレビスのマヨ和え Cabbage and Italian chicory with mayonnaise
**きゅうりとカニかまの酢の物 Cucumber and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables with chicken
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**十六穀米入りごはん Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
七草かゆ Seven herb rice porridge
1月7日 七草がゆ Nanakusa-gayu(Seven herb rice porridge)
お正月にご馳走をいっぱい食べた胃を休ませ また
この1年 元気でくらせるよう願っていただきます。
It's good to eat in order to rest the weak stomach after eating a lot during the New Year.
Eating it, we wish not to get sick this year.
セリ Japanese parsley
ナズナ Shepherd's purse
ごぎょう Cudweed
はこべら Chickweed
ほとけのざ Nipplewort
すずな Turnip
すずしろ Radish
お正月にご馳走をいっぱい食べた胃を休ませ また
この1年 元気でくらせるよう願っていただきます。
It's good to eat in order to rest the weak stomach after eating a lot during the New Year.
Eating it, we wish not to get sick this year.
セリ Japanese parsley
ナズナ Shepherd's purse
ごぎょう Cudweed
はこべら Chickweed
ほとけのざ Nipplewort
すずな Turnip
すずしろ Radish
チキンのトマト煮 Stewed chicken with tomato
夫、5日 昼は いつものように リハビリに行き、
夕方 体調悪く また同じ病院に行き、症状を伝えて 腹部のレントゲンを撮り。。。
年齢的なこともあり 一度検査しておいた方がよいだろうということです。
帰宅後 血尿が出たので。。。そのためか??? いままでの 痛みや吐き気は すべて収まり。。。
翌朝 同じ病院にいき 症状を伝え 泌尿器科に行くことになり
その足で(土曜日は昼までなので) 行き 検査。。。
午後から 大腸検査の説明とそのための薬をもらいに 別の病院に行きました。
休み明けに 大腸検査、その翌日は泌尿器科で再検査。。。
夫の体の不調は いまのところ 治まっています。
**チキンのトマト煮(レトルト) Stewed chicken with tomato
**里芋の煮っ転がし Simmered taro with sweet soy sauce
**カブの甘酢和え turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**焼き茄子 Grilled eggplants
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.