朝ご飯を食べ過ぎた I ate too much at breakfast
朝ご飯食べすぎて 昼は このほうとうだけいただきました。
残りは 夕食にいただきました。
I ate too much at breakfast and I ate only "Yamanashi-style noodles in miso soup".
I had what I left at supper
**ほうとう Yamanashi-style noodle in miso soup
**ピーマンと豚肉の炒め物 Stir-fried green peppers and pork
**日野菜の塩麹和え Hinona with salted rice malt
**日野菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled leaves of Hinona and thin deep-fried tofu
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Thank you.
町会のお餅つき大会 Rice cake pounding event
21日は 町会のお餅つき大会でした。
朝から 昼過ぎまで お手伝いしました。
久しぶりの町会の方たちと 世間話をワイワイ、楽しかったのですが、
ずっと立ちっぱなしで 腰も足も 疲れました♪
I helped with our neighborhood association rice cake pounding event on 21st.
We finally hold it for the first time in four years because the COVID-19 pandemic
prevented us from it.
It was a huge success.
I was happy to talk with the neighbors
but I was exhausted standing for a long time.
疲れて帰ったら 食事が出来ているのは 本当にありがたいです。
I returned home tired and my meal was ready.
I am very grateful.
**イカメンチ Minced squid balls
**カブの塩麹和え Turnip dressed with salted rice malt
**ほうれん草のゴマ和え Spinach dressed with sesame
**赤カブの葉と竹輪の煮物 Boiled leaves of red turnip and tube shaped fish paste cake
**ブロッコリーの茎のサラダ Broccoli stems salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
牛肉、ごぼう、壬生菜の炒め煮 Stir-fried beef, burdock and Mibuna(a kind of potherb mustard)
**牛肉、ごぼう、壬生菜の炒め煮 Stir-fried beef, burdock and Mibuna(a kind of potherb mustard)
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
**子持ち高菜の甘酢和え Tsubomina dressed with sweetened vinegar
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**大根と竹輪の煮物 Boiled daikon and tube-shaped fish paste cake
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
款冬華 Fuki-no-Hana-Saku
豆腐入り煮込みハンバーグ Stewed hamburger steak with tofu
**豆腐入り煮込みハンバーグ Stewed hamburger steak with tofu
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Imitation crab meat, cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**ネギの酢味噌和え Leek dressed with miso and vinegar
**大根の葉と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled leaves of daikon and Satsuma-age
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
薩摩揚げと大根の煮物 Boiled Satsuma-age(deep-fried fish paste cake) and daikon
夫、検査結果は 特にと言って 異常はなかったけど、 一つ調べておこうということで、
週明け もういちど 検査。
My husband's examination, there was nothing wrong from the result of the inspection.
But have to check one thing again,
**薩摩揚げと大根の煮物 Boiled Satsuma-age(deep-fried fish paste cake) and daikon
**人参の唐揚げ Fried carrots
**赤カブの甘酢和え Red turnip with sweetened vinegar
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
小松菜の豚肉と薄揚げ巻き Japanese mustard spinach, pork and thin deep-fried tofu rolls
今日 17日 大阪はとても寒いです。
皆様 健康には気を付けて 過ごしましょう。
It is very cold here in Osaka.
Please stay healthy.
**小松菜の豚肉と薄揚げ巻き Japanese mustard spinach, pork and thin deep-fried tofu rolls
**かぼちゃのバター醤油焼き Grilled Japanese pumpkin with butter and soy sauce
**赤カブの葉と竹輪の煮物 Boiled leaves of red turnip and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**ほうれん草と山芋のサラダ Spinach and taro salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
春菊と大葉のかき揚げ Mixed edible chrysanthemum and green perilla tempura
**春菊と大葉のかき揚げ Mixed edible chrysanthemum and green perilla tempura
**鮭の粕汁 Sake lees soup with salmon
**赤カブの甘酢和え Red turnip with sweetened vinegar
**子持ち高菜の酢味噌和え Tsubomina dressed with miso and vinegar
**悪魔のおにぎり Addictive rice balls
**漬け物 Pickles
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.